- Spirit Tree -

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A few days passed and Lei'wa was sure that Lo'ak was visiting payakan from time to time.

The sully boy often dissappeared for hour and Lei'wa always saw the ghost of a smile on his face.

She knew payakan wasn't dangerous and that the tulkun would protect Lo'ak but Lei'wa still felt uneasy at the thought of Lo'ak outside the reef with all those other dangers.

The metkayina girl was walking around the village when she saw Lo'ak trying to sneak off.

She made her over to him, careful not to alert anyone but him.
"Are you going to payakan?"

The boy turned quickly around "Uh- yeah, yeah." He answered and looked a bit down because he got caught.

Lei'wa nodded in understanding and placed her hands on his cheeks "Be careful."

Lo'ak nodded and sneaked his hands around her waist, he leaned forward, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.
He rested his forehead against his and looked into her eyes. He thought for a second before asking "Do you.. maybe want to come?"

Lei'was eyes widened slightly as she wasn't expecting him to ask that but she smiled up at him with a small laugh "Yeah, I'd love to meet your soul brother."

Lo'ak grinned and took Lei'was hand, guiding her to his ilu.

He got on and helped Lei'wa get on behind him. The boy dove into the water, putting one of his hands on top of Lei'was that were resting on his stomach.

They swam outside the reef, far away from the village and Lo'ak started calling for payakan.

It didn't take long until the tulkun appeared greeted Lo'ak with a happy sound.

The two teens got off the ilu and Lo'ak sat himself on payakans thin while Lei'wa stayed in the water.

'this is Leiwa' Lo'ak signed to the tulkun as he gestured to her.

Payakans big eye fell on the girl in the water 'hello, it's nice to meet you' the girl signed and payakan answered her with the same.

Lei'wa took the hand Lo'ak held put for her and pulled herself up on the payakans thin.

The tulkun watched before making a sound to which the teenagers looked at him 'is she your girlfriend?'

Lei'wa chuckled slightly and looked down while Lo'ak stuttered a bit over his words "Uh.. It's a bit complicated but-" the boy looked at Lei'wa for confirmation and she nodded "-yeah, yeah she is."

Payakan made a happy sound again and clapped his thin in the water, causing the two to fall in.

Leiwa and Lo'ak laughed and grabbed the tulkun thin as he swam forward.

Lei'wa thought this was awesome, the feeling of the water passing you. It wasn't like riding an ilu, with a tulkun you could just let your body float and feel everything around you. It was relieving for Lei'wa to say the least.
She could understand that Lo'ak wanted to spend as much time with his soul brother as he could, and doing this he also felt free. No expectations, no worries.
Just free.

They swam for an hour before Lei'wa signed to them 'I have to go, Tsireya wanted to show your siblings the spirit tree and I said I'll come with her.'

Payakan made a slightly sad sound but Lei'wa hugged him and signed to him again 'I'll come back tomorrow'

When the tuilkun made a satisfied sound Lei'wa turned to Lo'ak.

She swam over to him and he sneaked his arms around her waist again while her hands were on his neck.
They leaned in, kissing each other goodbye as the kiss got accidentally longer than intended.
'I have to go' Lei'wa signed as the pulled slightly away with a sad look.

Lo'ak nodded in understanding and pecked her lips one last time before releasing her.

The girl called an ilu and swam away as she waved them goodbye.

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"The best time to come here is eclipse." Tsireya said as everyone arrived at the destination.

Lei'wa looked over at Neteyam to see his expression. He shieled his eyes from the sun with his hand but the amazement in his eyes was clearly to see.

The sully boy looked over at Lei'wa with a smile and she smiled back at him.

They swam further, it was dark by now and the spirit tree begann to glow under them.

They got off their ilus and dived down. Lei'wa nodded her head to the tree, signaling Neteyam to connect with it to which the boy obeyed.

Lei'wa did the same and connected to the tree,being instantly pulled into a vision.

There was fire. Everything was filled with smoke.
Lei'wa turned around and the only thing she saw was destroyed.
Maruis were burned down and a dead ilu in the water.
She saw no one, no sign of life.
The girl couldn't believe her eyes. Who would do this? Who would be cruel?
But she knew the answer. She heard many stories that described the exact same thing that she is seeing right now.
Sky people. Humans. Demons.
Figures with many names but they all have one meaning. Evil.

Before Lei'wa could see more she got pulled out of her vision.

She saw Tsireya was the on who disconnected her and she aslo saw that the metkayina girl was swimming to Kiri who had a seizure.
Lei'wa disconnected the others and they got Kiri to the surface.
Tsireya called an ilu and Neteyam placed his sister on it.

"Is she breathing?" Rotxo asked as he held Kiris head above the water "Is she breathing?"

Neteyam began mouth to mouth while Lei'wa clutched Tuk to her side.
The little girl sqeezed her but didn't look away from Kiri.

Kiri released a small breath and they got her back to the village.

Kiri released a small breath and they got her back to the village

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AN :

It's a bit short but I wanted to post something so I just wrote it.. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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