- Fight -

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Lei'wa was walking with her sister when they saw Aounung and his little morons surrounding Kiri.

The older girl scoffed and shook her head at the childishness of the boys.
"Go home, I'll come later." she told Ruyey. The girl nodded and walked away, when Lei'wa saw that she was gone she made her way over to Aounung.

"Aounung!" she called and he turned around with a slight eyeroll.

Lei'wa came to a stand before him and pushed Kiri behind her, away from the other boys who were picking on her "Leave her alone." she glared at him.

"We're are just talking, no need to go all crazy." Aounung said and the boys behind him smirked.

Lei'wa scoffed again and with one hand she pushed Aounung slightly away as the other hand still held Kiri behind her "Just leave."

Aounung stepped closer but was stopped when another voice rang out

"Hey fishlips, back off!" Lo'ak said as he walked up to them.

"Oh another four fingered freak." Aounung laughed and pushed Lo'ak back.

Kiri and Lei'wa stepped back as Aounung and his friends pushed Lo'ak around and pulled at his tail.

"Leave us alone!" Kiri yelled.

Suddenly Neteyam pushed Aounung back, making the metkayina look at him "You heard what she said. Back off now." he said pointing a finger at Aounungs chest.

Aounung looked at Lei'wa before putting his hands up.

"Good choice and from now on I need you to respect my sister." Neteyam said with heavy accent as he looked at all of them.

Neteyam turned around, taking Lo'ak and Kiri with him.
The sully brothers shared one last glance with Lei'wa before walking away.

"bye." one of Aounungs friends called mockingly after them but was quickly silenced by Lei'wa who slapped him on the head.

At the comment from the metkayina boy Lo'ak turned around and walked back to them.
He held his hands up as he began talking "I know this hand is funny. Look I'm freak, alien. But it can do something really cool, watch."

Aounung leaned forward to look better at Lo'aks hand, seeming genuinely interested, which was really stupid of him because even Lei'wa could see how this would end.

"First I ball it up real tight, like this. And then" Lo'ak didn't finish his sentence as he punched Aounung in the face.

Before the metkayina boy could do anything two more punches landed on his face.
"It's called a punch bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again." Lo'ak called out to him as Aounung fell to the floor.

He quickly got up again and tackled Lo'ak to the ground but the forest boy was fast to go on top of him and land a punch again. The other metkayina jumped into the fight, one hit Lo'ak with his tail and others tried punshing him.
Neteyam scratched his scalp and looked over at Lei'wa. She gave him a curt nod and the boy ran forward. He punched one boy and kneed the other as they were running up to him.

By now all the boys were rolling around on the sand, the sully brothers being almost the only ones landing hits.

"Stop it!" Kiri yelled but in the mess of a fight nobody seems to hear her and if then they just ignored it.

"So stupid." Kiri mumbled and Lei'wa hummed in agreement.

Soon the fight got split up by Jake Sully. He took Lo'ak and Neteyam, probably to scowl them, and Aounung and his friends returned to the village as well.

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Lei'wa stood in the medical hood, helping Aounung with his wounds.
He looked pretty beaten up with a blue eye and small cuts here and there.

Lei'wa put a paste on the cuts and another one on Aounungs blue eye to help the swolling.
The girl didn't feel sorry when he hissed due to the pain he received when she touched his cuts, which was around twenty times, he deserved it. His stubid friends always drag him with them and then he gets in trouble.
They were a bad influence on him, all of them except Rotxo. The smaller boy was nice and respectful, he never got Aounung in any fights at all.

Lei'wa finished with his face dismissing him to go and tell his parents about what he did.
Not even a minute later Lo'ak walked into the hut, followed by Neteyam.
Lei'wa smiled at them "Sit there."

Lo'ak sat down first while Neteyam stood waiting. Lei'wa made new pasta and moved over to Lo'ak, standing in between his legs to treat his wounds better "What did your father say?" she asked none of the two in particular.

"I have to go apologize to Aounung." Lo'ak said he began stroking Lei'was thigh with his thumb, if it was to keep himself from hissing when the girl put paste on his cut or if it was to prevent himself from lashing out, Lei'wa didn't know.
"Why do you have to apologize?" Lei'wa asked as she stopped treating his wounds.

"Because he is the Olo'eyktans son. Dad is afraid that we will get kicked out." Neteyam said, as he took a step forward and swung his arms slightly around.

Lei'wa scoffed and continued putting the paste on Lo'aks wounds "It's Aounungs fault, when the Olo'eyktan knows that he has no reason to kick you guys out."

"Tell that our father." Lo'ak rolled his eyes.

Lei'wa leaned forward, kissing the boys forehead "finshed." she told him.
Lo'ak stood up and grabbed Lei'wa by the waist. He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on the girls lips. They pulled apart, Lei'wa smiled before moving out of his grip. She turned to Neteyam and beckoned him to sit.
He did as told and Lei'wa started putting the paste on his cuts.
Lo'ak stood to the side waiting until Lei'wa finshed with his brother.

Neteyam stood up, kissing Lei'wa on the lips. Lei'wa smiled at both them, she pecked Neteyams lips again before moving to Lo'ak and doing the same.
"I'll see you tomorrow." she said looking at them.

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