- Moment -

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TW: slight smut

Lei'wa was on her way to collect shells when she saw Lo'ak and Neteyam looking out at the water.
It looked like they were searching for something.

She approached them from behind "What are you doing?"

Startled at the familiar voice they turned around "uh-hey." Lo'ak said a bit awkward.

The metkayina girl raised an eyebrow when she became no answer.
Catching on Neteyam spoke "uh we were actually looking for you."

Lo'ak hit him in the side as if he wasn't supposed to say this.

"Why?" Lei'wa asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"Just wanting to spend some time with you." Lo'ak mumbled.

"And why do you search in the water?" the girl asked, her frown deepening.

"because you're always in the water at this time." Lo'ak shrugged simply.

Lei'wa held a surprised expression but her voice was playful "What, are you guys stalking me?"
The brother seemed to get that she was joking and out of their mouths came brief laughs.
"No, we just noticed it." Neteyam shrugged, a smile playing on his lips.

Lei'wa chuckled and nodded "come."
She walked passed the two.

She jumped into the water, the brothers following.

Due to Tsireya teaching the Sully's the sign language Lei'wa didn't have to beckon them up every once in a while to talk to them.
'you can help me look for shells.' she signed to them.

They nodded and parted ways, still staying close to each other.

Lei'wa swam around, searching the sand for shells and pearls.
She found a white pearl, she almost didn't see it because it camouflaged itself in the water. She picked it up and swam over to Lo'ak who inspected a shell. The shell didn't seem to satisfy him as he put it down again. When he saw Lei'wa swimming towards him a small smile graced his lips.
The girl stopped beside him, her body turned in his direction. She opened her palm showing the boy the white pellet.

Lo'ak looked at the pearl before meeting her eyes again. He took a moment to answer 'it's beautiful, like you.'
Lei'wa smiled flustered and looked down so the forest boy couldn't see it.

When she looked up again she saw Lo'ak smirking at her but before she could sign anything to him Neteyam came up behind her and looked over her shoulder at the pearl. When he looked at her face again they were just inches between them.
Neteyam smiled before he placed a small kiss on her cheek. Lei'wa almost didn't feel it due to the water but the tickling feeling she had told her that she didn't imagine it and he really did kiss her on the cheek.

Neteyam took her hands pulling her in the direction of the cave she showed the two boys days before.
Lei'wa and Neteyam disconnected their hands and the girl looked back at Lo'ak who swam a bit behind her.

They swam into the cave and sat down on the floor. Lei'wa took the white pearl in her hands and put it into a sheet so it doesn't get lost.

Lei'wa walked a few feet away before turning around and beckoning the brothers to follow her "come on." she waved them over.
When they followed her she lead them to a deeper part of the cave. There were little animals sitting on rocks and plants or were flying around.
They glowed because of the darkness in the lair.

Lei'wa went forward, stroking the back of an animal which sat on a rock. At the contact it body shone a brighter orange than it had before.

Lo'ak wanted to try it too and walked up to a creature on a plant. It glowed when he poked it slightly with his finger.

The boy smiled and looked over at Lei'wa who watched him with a big smile herself.

She guided them further and stopped when she saw a flower growing out of a tree.

The brothers admired her as she played with the plant.
Lei'wa moved her fingers above the blooms and the flower widened itself, glowing brighter as the girl moved her hand nearer it.

"come on." she said nodding her head to the right as a sign that they would go there.
Lo'ak and Neteyam followed her like lost puppies.
They didn't know the area and everything was new to them. It was beautiful, just like their forest but underwater.

The girl came to a stop when they were at a small place bordered by trees but the grass in the middle glowed green-blue.

Lei'wa turned around to face the two Sully's as they still looked around in awe.
She walked over to them with a grin "It's beautiful ain't it?"
They looked at her, both answering almost in unison "yeah it is."
They looked at each other before Lo'ak walked forward "you know, in the time we've known each other we've both grown to like you.." he said unsure, often glancing behind him at his brother.
Lei'wa looked down, she didn't know if it would be a good idea but she liked both of them too.

"You don't have to say anything and you don't have to return our feelings.
We just wanted you to know that." Neteyam said standing at Lei'was side, facing her.

She looked up at him before looking forward to Lo'ak.
"But I do. I like both of you too." she said looking from one brother to the other.

Neteyam didn't need to hear anything else before he placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her into a kiss.
It was sweet, their soft lips moving against each other.
As they pulled away Lo'ak came to Lei'was other side. She looked up at him and got pulled into another kiss.
Neteyam moved behind her, one of his hands sliding from her stomach to her side. He placed small kisses down from her shoulder up to her neck.

Lo'aks tongue brushed against her lower lip but she denied him access. The younger boy squeezed her side, causing her to moan. Lo'ak took that as his chance because he quickly connected their lips again, moving in sync.
Lei'wa slightly moaned again at the affection she became from the two boys.

Neteyams hand moved up to her neck as he made himself more room. He sucked on her sweet spot, slightly smiling as he heard the girl moan again.

The three went on the floor, sitting on their knees, Lei'wa pressed between the two boys.

Lo'ak parted his lips from Lei'was and started kissing her jaw, Neteyam on the other side placed hungry kisses on her shoulder and the crook of her neck.

The next few hours were spent with each other but they had to go some time so all three of them were walking to their homes now.

They didn't talk about what they are yet but their feelings were for all of them revealed now.

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