chapter 1

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And this is how it all started.......

Aria walker and Jason Scott were with some other kid, in the guys' locker rooms, trying to sneak a cow into the school as a prank.

"Just had to be a cow. Couldn't it be like a dog or something that isn't 10,000 pounds." The guy said. As we was shoving the cow through the locker room doors.
"Oh shut, uppppp." Aria said emphasis on the P.
"Come on! Can you just help me, dude?" Jason groaned as they struggled to get the cow to come through.
"I'm doing all the work here, man." The guy said. Aria looked at him with a dead, serious face.
"Yeah, right... Hey Jason, how the HELL did I get stuck with its ass!" She yelled at him, trying to push the cow.

"Push, push, come on."Jason spoke.
"Jason, it stepped on my foot."the guy complained. Aria looked at him, that same glare, again.
"Pull yourself together.". She told him.

Aria accidentally knocked a mop bucket over. "Shit! Who leaves that in the middle of the pissing floor. Are you having a laugh."She groaned.

"Just tie it to the bench, and let's get out of here, please." He moaned.
"Cow seems unhappy, huh?" Jason questioned.

"Well, it shouldn't be unhappy because I just milked her." The guy said proudly.

"Him." Aria looked at Jason with a confused face while she leaned on the cows ass.
"You just milked him." She looked at him with a 😮 face.

"That's a him." Guy questioned. Aria looked underneath the cow and saw its thing and grimaced as she came back up.

"Was it one udder?"
"Yeah, that's not an udder, dude."

"Ugh, ew, I'm gonna threw up."She spoke in disgust.

"I was gonna say it was actually kinda weird. It was really big, and I had to use two hands." He rambled until Jason interrupted him.


"TMI, dude." Aria spoke.

"We will never discuss this again." Jason said with a slight laugh.


"COPS." Another guy came in as sirens went off.

"Ah shit," She moaned.

"The cops are coming."

They all ran as fast as they possibly could, abandoning the cow. They made it outside, and aria and Jason were running together.

"Shit, Jay."

They both climbed into Jason red car.

"Quick drive." she said, banging the dashboard. Adjusting her seat belt.

"Whooooooo." They began as they drove down the road.

Jason kept crashing into things.
"Shit, be careful."
The cops close on their tail.
"Whooo, yeah." Jason turned around.

But unfortunately, they had crashed into another car, making them spin off the road and into many other things, resulting in an accident.

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