chapter 2

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They were sat in Jason's dads car. Jason in the front and aria in the back. Aria was very close with Jason's family his parents were more like hers than her mom or dad.

They had pulled up at the front of the school. Waiting outside in the car. And Jason's dad was giving them both a lecture. They both got out of the car, walking into the school.

As they walked down the white, walled
Corridor. They stopped at the water fountain. Aria, one hand in her pocket, while she rested against the wall.

She was looking at her nails, making sure they were looking okay when she heard the doors crash against each other at the bottom of the hallway.

Aria looked up from her nails, seeing what looked like a beautiful godess walking down the corridor. Kimberly Hart. Aria's head followed the girl as she walked down the corridor and into detention.

The both of them headed down into the detention room. As they walked down the stairs, the loud noises of teenagers could be heard. Screaming like banshees. Aria looked at Jason and rolled her eyes at the crowd of childish teens.

They walked down the stairs, and some frizzy haired idiot yelled "moo" .

"Maybe try something that's actually funny next time." She spoke. Taking her seat, Jason sat behind her. She was getting comfortable in her seat, looking around the room, when something caught her eye. The same frizzy haired freak picking on some kid.

"I'm sorry, here let me help you." Frizzy picked the pencil up and held it towards the boy. And as the boy went to grab it, he pulled it back. She looked at Jason and shook her head.

"You're a freak. You know that ?"
"I've had to watch you play with these for weeks."
"Are you crazy?"
"No? What if you had an extra one?" He said, snapping the pencil in half. The boy flinched and watched as the pencil dropped.
"Why don't you cut this little act and do something?"
"Why don't you stop me?huh? Are you gonna stop....". Next thing you know
Aria and Jason had both stood up.
"Hey!" Jason said, pushing him.

"Alright, knock off, Ed sheeran. You've had your fun, and now sit your ass down." She spoke.
"How old are you five."

"Hi, I'm Jason. It's my first time here.It's exciting. And you must be the bully of detention. How dumb can you be?"
Wanna be Ed sheeran swung for Jason's face but missed twice. So Jason slapped him.
"Did you just slap me?"

"God, how dumb can you be..." aria muttered underneath her breath.

" I did. Weird, right? Now I'm gonna be here every day with Aria for what seems the rest of my life, and I'm sure that you are, too. So let's make a deal. Don't sit near us, or him, and we'll be OK." Jason said. As they walked away, they did a slight fist bump and sat back down.

Then, soon after, the teacher came in, ramberling about something, but aria got distracted as the goddess got out of her seat and started walking.
"I need to go to the ladies' room." And then she dissappear for what seemed to be around half an hour. 'Lucky bitch' aria thought.

After around 15 minutes, suddenly they were all her clacking as someone walked down the stairs. Aria head popped up from behind a book, and once she saw she sat up straight in her seat. Kimberly hart was walking down the stairs like the boss bitch that she is, but her hair was now cut to her shoulders. And aria's face was like this 😮.
'Shit, she looks hot.....' aria thought.

"damn" aria muttered. She looked at Jason with the same expression on her face wich then turned into a smirk as she looked over at Kimberly, who then turned to look at her, she quickly turned away and put her head down back in the book.

Kimberly was just sitting there smiling to herself as she had just caught aria staring at her in awe .

Soon, the bell rings, and both Jason and aria head out of school.

Once they got out the doors, they saw Kimberly and her father talking while getting in the car, yet it was more like her father yelling at her about her hair.

Suddenly, the boy that was getting picked on earlier came flying through the door.

"Hey! Door!" He said, catching up to them both.

" Hey, thanks for that in there."

"Ah, no worries. We hate guys like that."
Jason spoke. As I offered him a friendly smile.

"Yeah. Oh... so, hey, we should hang out sometime. Huh? Not that we have to. But I think tonight we should." The boy asked.

"What's your name again?" Aria asked.

He held out his hand to both of us.
"Billy Cranston. " Jason laughs as they both go to shake his hand.
"Or William Cranston. Do you remember kids used to call me Billy-crams-tons as a third grade joke? Like Billy crams tons of crayons in his butt. Which I didn't! But it's really impossible to cram a lot of crayons in your butt. "

"Okay, Billy, we would honestly hang out with you, but we have a date every night with Angel Grove sheriffs department. " Jason told him as they both pulled their pant leg to show a device attached to their ankle.

"So we are sorry." She said as they both headed down the outside stairs.

"Wait, no, no, no. Don't leave, don't leave, Hey. All right, so I don't really expect you for us to hang out. Truth us, I need to get somewhere tonight, and I could really use your help."

"Billy, we hear you, but as we told you, we have house arrest. There's nothing we can do about it. We're sorry." She said.

"Well, like, I mean, I can fix that. I know how to trick the SIM. I have, uh... I've tools."

" We have to be in our house before 7:00."

"Well if yous come to my house before 7:00, then I can fix it for you. Oh! I also have a car. Or access to a car.and if you decide to help me, you can have the car for a few hours." He said, looking at us both.

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