chapter 8

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They met Jason on the way and they finally arrived. Zack and Billy were already there waiting, and it was pitch black.

"So we all got the same text. So where is she?" Kimberly asked. They all lifted their arms like this 🤷.

"I'm here." Trini said. She was in between the bleachers in the eary light.
"Look, Rita came to my house tonight."

"What?" Said Kimberly.

"Yeah. She's real. Insane." Trini moves her t-shirt to show scratches across her collarbone. "She nearly killed me. She was trying to get me to join her. She said she'd spare my life if I could keep a secret."

Kimberly and aria looked at each other, eyebrows furrowed.

"What secret?" Zack asked.

"At dawn, the destruction of Angel Grove begins," Tini told them.

"This is real. This is the end." Kimberly said looking at Jason.

"No, it's not," aria said.

"Where is she?" Jason asked.

"She said to meet her where the dead ships live," Trini told them.

"Okay. That's the boatyard by the docks, right?" Aria asked Jason.

"Let's go," Jason said walking up the steps, so the others had to look up at him.

Trini, aria and Kimberly look at each other.

"Are you serious? No one?" Jason said

"Jason were not even Power Rangers yet," Trini said. Jason looked at aria.

"Hey, don't look at me, I agree with Sandy." Aria spoke and crossed her arms.

"I say we go back to Zordon," Billy suggested.

"Okay, the only reason Zordon wanted us to become power rangers is so that he can come back to life." Jason said pointing at Billy.

"What makes you say that?" Billy questioned.

"Because he told me." Jason informed them.

"Wait, so this all is a lie?" Billy asked.

"Of course it was." Aria mumbled.

"Of course, it was a lie, Billy. We failed." Everyone looked down. "Let's stop being delusional about being a team of superheroes. We're all screw-ups. And as much as I hate this scrubby, bullshit town, I don't wanna just sit around and watch it die, okay? Let's go and do the one thing that's been asked of us and kill Rita." Jason finished.

"You know this is a really bad idea, right." Kimberly told him.

"The worst." Jason said. "Let's vote. Show of hands."

Trini put her hand up, then Kimberly, then Zack, then Jason , and they were all waiting for Billy and aria. Billy put his hand up. Aria paused for a second.

"Let's get this show on the road." Aria sighed putting her hand up.

"Let's do it."

And before they knew it they were at the boat yard. Grabbing chains baseball bats and metal rods, they were gearing themselves up for battle.

They ran towards this hanging piece of tarp ducking under it. They saw someone sitting in a chair at the Dock, listening to music.

"Okay. Okay, Lest go." Jason whispered.
They started making their way down.
"Take the left, I'll take the right."

"Okay. Got it." Aria replied. They then started running at the person. Yet soon they realised it wasn't Rita. It was a man he was stopped to the chair, duck tape around his mouth.

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