chapter 6

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The next day, aria was laid across her bed, a dark green blanket draped over her. Her arms were up in the air, and she had one foot lent on windowsil and the other on the wall. She had her curtains open, letting the blazing sun shine into her room, dust particles floating in the air.

"I'm so bored, I am so bored, I am so oooooo booooooored......." she sang.

Aria sat up, jumping off the bed and grabbing her phone, she turned it on and what appeared was her lock screen, there was a photo of her and Jason on her dad's boat, they had there arms around eachother, baseball hats on and sunglasses. As she stared at the photo, the words that Jason did went over and over again in her mind. She looked at the time and saw it was 3:25. She wasn't too late to go.

"Fuck it." She said, laughing herself up. She grabbed her bag and her jacket and opened her door. She walked through the living room and saw her mum past out on the couch, a blunt hang in-between her fingers, and empty beer bottles scattered around her. Aria threw it all in the trash quickly and put a checkered blanket over her mom. And whith that she walked out the front door, getting on her bike and heading to the mines.

Once she arrived, she ran up the hill that she chased trini up the day before and finally arrived at the revein, Jason already stood there waiting. At the same time as her going up once side of the small hill, Billy appeared doing the same, then Kimberly, then zack, and trini.

"Whats up, sandy?" Aria said with a slight chuckle.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"Shall we do this?" Jason asked.

"I mean, I didn't climb all the way up here for nothing, so, yeah." Aria told Jason. With that, they jumped down into the water, swimming to the cave, and entering the space ship.

"You need to follow three rules to being a power ranger. You must never use your powers for personal gain. You must never escalate a fight unless your enemies force you to. And you must never reveal your identity. Ever." Zorndon told them they were now stood with zordon and Alpha.

"To assume your ranger identities, you need to morph. Have any of you morphed before?" Zordon asked.

"Yes. But only in the shower." Zack spoke. They all snickered.

"Okay, okay. Let's step into the footprints, please." Alpaha said, just being done with the childish behaviour.

They all walked over and stood on the footprints.

"Standing in this circle as a team, you can easily connect with the morphing grid. Do you feel it?" Zordon asked.

"Yeah, they do." Alpha said.

"No. Not feeling it." Zack told.

"What exactly am I supposed to be feeling?" Aria asked cockng an eyebrow up.

"You need to morph to get your armour." Zordon spoke.

"Oh, I knew it! We do get armour. Jason! We get armour! Oh, we get armour." Billy said, getting excited, clapping his hands.

"Cool. Why don't you give us the armour?" Zack asks.

"You already have it inside of you. You bring it out by connecting to each other and connecting to the morphing grid." Zordon told then. "Clear.your minds and focus."

'And this is when the adhd kicks its ' aria thought to herself. She then tried her hardest to focus, closing her eyes and trying to search her way to the end of the maze of her thought to the very end.

"Power rangers were a legion of warriors sworn to protect life." The morphing grid was going mental. Showing all these colours.

"Yes!" Alpha shouted.

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