chapter 3

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Jason had dropped aria at her house and had left. She had her earphones in and walked into her house. There was cans of alcohol on the floor, stains on the carpet, and cigarettes scattered everywhere. Her mom was laid on the couch beer bottle in hand and a cigarette in her mouth, passed out. Aria walked up to her mom and touched her face, she didn't wake up so she picked up every thing and chucked it in the bin and carefully threw a blanket over her mom careful not to wake her. Luckily, her younger siblings weren't there they were staying at her grandma's for a while.

Aria was laid on the bed, practicing her guitar when she got a text from Jason, Saying he'll be there in two minutes and to grab her bike and meet him at the small store at the end of her road. So she got up, chucked her shoes on, and headed out her door. She grabbed her bike from the backyard and hopped on, cycling as fast as she could to the store. She met Jason, and they headed of too Billy's house.

Once they arrived, they abandoned there bikes at the front yard and headed up to the door aria knocked and leaned against the wall, sliding down it slittly grazing her back, while Jason was stood hovering over, out of breathe.

Billy's mom opened the door, shocked to see 'the Jason scott' stood on her front porch, and she led them to the basement where Billy was.

"BILLY!" She shouted

"Billy, it's 6:56." Jason stated.

" Yeah, I know. You got four minutes. Grab that chair." Billy told him.

"Whats all this stuff." She asked, looking around.

"It's objects that I found with my dad. Most of it is his." Billy said, rummaging through his stuff, mumberling to himself.

" Put your foot in this." He said, showing them some sort of metal cage.

"What is it?" They asked at the same time.

"It's a Faraday cage. It should stop the cell signal. If we're lucky." He stated.

"If we're lucky! Ah shit!" She said, starting to panic, shaking her leg.
Both their ankle braclets started beeping.

" That's the three-minute warning. Come on, bud. If the signal goes off..." Jason started.

"My dad's bin dead now seven years, four months and 2 days?"

"Okay, um..."

"That's a long time. He used to work at the mine. " Billy started ramberling while messing with both of their ankles.

"Billy, I really don't think that we have time..."

He kept interrupting him until he had done it. They both said thank you to Billy and headed off in the car to the mines.

They walked to the mine and carried a box, thsy put the box down and Jason started to panic slitely because he was confused.

"Billy, can i be honest. The deal was I dropped you somewhere and I got the van for a few hours, okay? This is weird. Like we don't know each other at all. I don't know what we're doing here. And you seen kinda..." Jasons started.

"Wait, I gotta tell you something, okay? I'm on the spectrum." Billy told him.
Aria nodded.

" Well, is that like a workout or something? Like tae bo. " He jokes.

"No, it's a diagnosis. Excuse me."

"See, I know it was a joke, I was kidding."

"See, that's the thing, I didn't get it."
"Like my brain doesn't work the same ad yours does or hers does, you know?"

"Yeah, well, consider that a good thing." Jason said

" Yeah, especially when it's him." She laughed. And Jason jabbed her with his elbow in the side.

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