chapter 7

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Aria had been staying at Jason's house while they were training, so when they were invited to the funeral of the 2 fishermen, aria went along with them.

She stood all in black, under an umbrella that Jason was holding. As she looked to her left, she saw Kimberly stood there, smiling at her. Aria nodded to her with a smile.

After the funeral, aria, Kimberly and Jason, met up with Zack, Billy, and Trini to go to training.

"If Rita manages to create Goldar... are you listening to me?" Alpha questioned them while walking through the caves.
"And he rips the crystal from the ground. It'll be like 10,000 nuclear bombs washing over Earth."

"Supposed to freak us out?" Zack asked cockily.

"You keep making this harder. busting our asses. Feel free to throw us a bone at some point." Jason told Alpha.

"Yes, I see you busting your asses. So I've decided to give you some inspiration. What you will find beyond this wall will forever change your lives. Come on." Alpha 5 said to them.

They climbed up the wall, and arias face was like this 😯 huge, almost like transformers stood tall in front of them.

"The zords! Pretty cool, right?"

"Yeah." Billy said.

"They take on the form of the most powerful organism on the planet. When these zords formed, dinosaurs reigned supreme. They will be an extension of you. And their power is all but limitless. But you're not ready for this power when you morphed. Your armour will make you one with the zords. So come on, let's go train. Today is the day you become a ranger. I can feel it!" Alpha said.

They all started to follow Alpha back down to the pit, aria walking beside Kimberly the whole time, speaking glances at her.

"You have to remember that in today's training g lesson, the important thing is to... wait. Where's Zack?" Alpha asked.

"Seriously?" Jason said.

"Shit!" Aria yelled as she felt Kim grab her hand and start running. As Zack's zord came charging in through the wall of the cave.

"Run! Run! Run!"

As the zord came to a stop, the impact sent them flying over. A cloud of dust rolled over them.

They all were coughing and groaning in pain.

"You alright?" Kimberly said lent up against a rock.

"Never better." Aria coughed out.

"Ay, ay, ay!" Alpha groaned.

"Whoo." Zack came bounding down. "Alright, my bad, my bad. That's on me, right there." He came closer to them.

"Are you having a funking laugh, man!" Aria yelled while walking up to him and shoving him.

"What's your problem?!" Trini shouted at him.

"You could've killed yourself. Or us." Jason said, walking closer to him.

"Back off, boss man." Zack said, walking around aria and shoving Jason behind him.

"Hey!" Jason yelled, pulling Zack back around and punching him in the face.

"Oh, come on, guys. Wow." Billy spoke while Zack went and punched Jason.

"Guys, guys, guys, come on!" Trini shouted, trying to push Zack away just for him to throw her away.

"Watch it!" Zack said to Trini, ducking as Jason went for another punch.

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