Cap. 1

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Keith pov:
I was in the training room with the blades. We where training in pairs against an other pair of blades. I tried to get one of them by going around them to attack from the back of them but they saw it and got me with their blade. It hit me in the shoulder and made a long but not so deep slash. I suddenly let out a little sound, then every one in the room frose.

They looked at me with shock. Then kolivan walked to me, and asked :Keith how old are you? : I ansvered : I am 17 : kolivan then became white like a sheet and picked me up and ran out of the training room. I let out a whine and then shoot my hand to my mouth to stop myself from letting any other sounds escape from my troath. We arrived at the medbay and he rushed in and sat down in a chair with me in his arms.

Kolivans pov :
I was watching the blades train when I saw Keith get a slash from one of his opponents. We then let out a sound of a hurt kit, everyone in the room frose. I looked at him with shock and then walked over to him. I asked what his age was and I was so shocked when he says he is 17. He was just a little kit, he soulndt be out of the nest, but here he is fighting in a war. I picked him up and ran out of there.

I ran to the medbay while thinking. It then went to my mind that I had put a kit through the knowledge or death test. I paled even more then the kit made out a smal whine. I then arrived at the medbay and got in. I found a chair and sat down with the kit in my arms. I called ulrus so the kit could get medical help. He took the kit and walked in to a room. I got up and walked to where the files of every blades medications sheets lied. I began to search for the kits. In the sheet it wasn't much information.

Name : Keith kogane
Age : 17
Parents : mother : krolia father: unknown
Pack : none
Species : half galra, half human

I was shocked, krolia was his mother. I then realised he didn't have a pack, it was not good. The kit would be severe tuch starved. Uruls then walked out from the room. He looked to be in some trance but when I asked how the kit was he seems to get out of it. The kit is....

I am sorry but I have to stop this cap because it is 00:51 and I have school tomorrow. I hope you liked the first chapter. I have been reading many books about kitkeith, and now I am actually writing one on my own. I am sorry if it is any grammar fails, but to my defence this is not my first language and I am writing on a phone and need sleep.

Night stars. ✨

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