Cap. 2

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Last cap: The kit is...

The kit is physical fine now but, mentally I don't know. He is severe tuch starved and is pushing down his galra nature. And when we think of his age he soulndt be so mature and he should absolutely not fighting in a war. He should be in a nest with his mother not training.

Later kolivan takes keith to his pack room. There he put the kit in the nest and walked out and looked the door so only you could opend the door from the outside. He then walked to the bridge to call krolia and check how her mission Is going

Keiths pov:

I wake up and everything hurt. It is like my whole inside is on fire. I don't know why but I begin to whimper. It hurt so much, I tried to get to the bathroom and on my fifth try I did it. I walked to the sink and found a glass in the kabinettet. Then I saw my self in the mirror. I was purple, and I have a tail and two big cat ears on my head. My skin was a light purple while the tail and ears was darker and when I turned around I had fur in my back neck and my hair seems to get longer and I think it has some purple stripe's.

When I saw this I did the only naturally thing I could do, I screamed. I sat down in the corner and after some time the whimpers began. It was silent til I heard some people running in the hallway and rushed in to the room. I tried to not make a whimper but it stil got out. I think the people that was in the other room heared it and soon they opened the door.

There was kolivan and some people I didn't see but I know was standing there. I let out a whimper, and he rushed over to me and picked me up and said to me...

OK there I cap two. I will trie to update on time a week but do you gays want short cap like this once or twise a week or long cap in two weeks

Bye stars

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