Cap. 3

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Said to me...

Keith is something wrong, how do you feel, do you need anything? 'just leave me alone' I answered. But I didn't really want him to. And of course he saw right through the lie.

Suddenly he stands up with me in his arms still. I let out a yelp, he then walks out of the bathroom and in to the main room. I now can see the people that was standing in the doorframe.

It was thace, antok and regris. (I hope I got the names right correct me if I am wrong) they where sitting in something like a big nest of pillow's and carpets.

Kolivan sat down next to antok and placed me in his lap, I tried to stand up but he pulled me down and began to pull his hand through my hair.

I didn't want to say anything or let out a sound but to my minds protest I begined to purr. I tried to stop but me body didn't respond to my brain.

I slowly began to fell more sleepy. But I won't let myself fall asleep, what if I make more stupid sounds or get one of my nightmares. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear someone go into the room or that I was asked a question.

Kolivan pov :
I sat there with the kit in my lap stroking his hair. I  saw how his body had changed, and he locked adorable. It was like he was a small purple cat and he purred to. Definitely a small cat.

But something was not right. I soon didn't hear the kit purr anymore and it seemed lost in thought. Then ulaz walked in. He sat down in the nest, and began to speak. 'I got a call from krolia. The base she I on has been attacked. The communication shut down halfway in her explanation.'

I know that krolia is smart and know what to do. But I am worried about her. I was here siting safe with her kit in my lap while she was fighting.

I asked if the kit needed anything but it was so soned out that it didn't even react when I swiped my hand in front of its face. This kit was deep in thought. But I saw it began to breath slower and slower and then falled asleep.

I then said to the other that we should sleep to. We the lied down and cuddled each other...

Hi stars how's it going. I hope you are well and thank you for over 100 reads on this book. I really didn't expect this to happen. I hope you liked the chapter I found out I would end the chapter now because it is like 4 am where I live. Why do I feel like every writer on wattpad don't know what the word sleep means. But forget that I hope you like the book this far but I has a question. Do you want krolia to survive the attack or should she die?

Yes, she should survive?

No, she should not?

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Night stars ✨

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