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Unknown :

When I wake up I find myself in a unknown place, the walls are made of blue stones and the bed I am sitting on has a fur blanket of an animal I don't know of. Suddenly the only door  that is in the room opens and a long person in an black armour stands there.

Hello, who are you, where am I, what is your purpose with me? He only stares at me. Answer me I say and he only leaves to soon come back with a bowl of some type of food. It is like a soup but it smells like nothing I have seen before. I stare at the person and ask who are you and how do I know that you are not trying to poison me right now with this soup thing.

When he answered me I only got a name, lotor. Now you eat up, and it is not poisoned because If I wanted you dead I would have left you where I found you. Then he left.

Hi stars, here is a little draft I made today with the little energy I got. Can you guess who the unknown person is?
Little funfact about me, today I Was with my grandpa at a hunt with his groop, we got one moose.

Bye stars ✨

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