Cap. 4

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keits Pov:

where am i. i slowly watch the sourandics of where i am. And i am in the basement like always. every night my very lovely foster parents throw me down here and somtimes beats me for my freakines. it is like that in every home. at first they are fantastic to be with but then they see how much of a freak i am. then they hate me and it all is the same like the last home. i dont want to be different. 

i hate my self for that...

why cant i be normal...

i am a freak...

i deserve this...  

A/N (it hurt so much to write this :(   

3 person pov:

the pack where all awake exsept keith, he was sleping in a ball of blankets and pillows. He looked like a fluffy ball of fur. Just as they thought that he began to move and vimper and talk in his sleep. And then he was crying and he suddenly sat up panting and tears running down his checks.

Antok slowly picked him up and put keith in his lap while stroking his head. You okay keith, kolivan asked. The only thing keith did was nodding his head. So what do you want to do today keith, antok asked? Hmm, I want to train with the other blades, keith answered.

Kolivans pov:
I don't know if I should let the kit train with the blades, maybe he should train with antok or mayby regris. Yeah I think that is smart he is still not completely healed and he could get hurt again. So I answered that he could train with antok.

A while later keith and antok was training alone beacuse the others had to leave.

Keith's pov

I had been training with Antok for a while and I suddenly wanted to trow me on him and try to hug him. No no what am I thinking I has to continue to train not try to hug someone. Then suddenly I felt something cold on my neck, and of course I had soned out again and I lost the battle. antok simply walked over to me, patted me on my head and said we could train more tomorrow. but i dont want to stop training so i actually huged him and asked if we could train a litte bit more.

he ofcource said no again and we walked out of the training room.

hello lovely stars, here is a new Chapter and i hope you like it and sorry for that it is short but i am trying to get to a plot i have been thinking of, and i finnaly found out what i want to do with krolia thanks to a idea from my friend.

and Sorry for not updating in a while but school and shit is fantastic now school is over and I am going on a trip to south Korea  

bye stars!

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