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Life is only a long and bitter suicide, and faith alone can transform this suicide into sacrifice - Franz liszt

Unknown :
I don't know how long it has been but, that fucking bitch Is finally back. And then he begins to ask me questions, fucking hate him.

How are u doing he ask me. All I could answer, Im okay. What in the hell is that answer. Then he begins to ask more questions, oh i am so going to kill him right now but the only thing i can do now is trying to get back to the base. as he asks more questions i just stare blankly up at him. my i have a ship and leave now or is this an irogation. you cant fly in that shape let me take you where u need to go he answered when i asked.

ah hell nah he is not going to get to the base he is the fucking galera prince and i get more shoced when ha said, i know you are from the blade of marmora that wepond you had was more than enough prof for that. okay i am part of it but you will never know the location of the base. i already know it he answer i just sit there shocked. how, the kordinates on your phone. fuck  i tought. alright then you get me there and leave after that. it seams we my be on a good way to work together in the future maybe.

kolivan :  right now keith was sleeping so we were trying to get contact with some blades on a mission when we got a signal not far away from a ship.

It was a galra ship not that big but still bigger than normal fighter ships. Get in touch with that ship and find out what there purpose is.

I am shocked by who is showing on a screen, prince lotor of the galra is on the way right to my base. How did he even find it, then only one way to find out. hello prince lotor what is your purpose here and how did u find us. well...

hello stars, here is the next chapter. i just resently posted a new story so check it out and coment if you like it and if i should continue with it. as a funny thing it was from a school task where we had to write a fantacy or si-fiction text

And sorry for being dead for a while. School is a pain and now that it's almost Christmas I get more time to write.

Bye stars!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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