e i g h t ↣ hammer and chisel

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ALICE DUNLAP DIDN'T KNOW what was going to come of all of this. She still didn't even know how she survived what happened at the prison. All she knew was that she'd stumbled across a woman who led her straight to knocking on the door that stood between herself and her only chance of ever getting those answers.

It was clear to Alice and Michonne that Rick and Carl shared the same, if not worse, luck navigating life having nothing but the clothes on their back. Rick seemed pretty badly beaten, forcing himself into an early recovery as there was no time for healing after what'd just happened to his home. Alice knew only that much—that the Governor was what happened to the prison. Michonne offered the girl more details but they weren't needed nor digestible enough for the girl's softened core.

Once the two reunited with Rick and Carl, however, the ugly details surfaced as Alice unwillingly pieced together that Judith was not with the two remaining members of her family. Everyone in that house knew that something was missing, but nobody dared to speak of it. Ignorance was the easiest way of moving on—if they even could.

Alice was more than familiar with the avoidance of grief. It became her means of survival. The girl, so far, had only let herself grieve when it was absolutely unavoidable. And even then was she still a bit aloof to the custom.

She'd seen what happened to Elliot with her own two eyes, only getting to mourn for a few hours before succumbing to his same sickness. And the disheveled scene she woke up to didn't allow the girl much time to dwell on anything other than her own panicked confusion. But now that Alice knew what happened to the prison and was sitting across the table from a sister-less Carl Grimes, the feelings surrounding her brother's death were finally beginning to creep back in.

The girl's eyes snapped away from her bowl of dry cereal as she could no longer tune out Carl and Michonne's banter when the woman sat down at the table. "I wish we had some soy milk."

"Seirously?" The boy's face turned into nothing short of a scowl at Michonne's simple suggestion.

"Yes, seriously." Michonne said through a wide smile, not letting Carl's grimace keep her from speaking her mind. "Have you ever tried it?"

"My best friend, in third grade, he was allergic to dairy," Carl began entertaining Michonne's antics, as per usual. Alice noticed herself becoming more engrossed within the silly subject, as a shy smile lifted at the corners of her lips. "And everyday he would bring this soy stuff to lunch. I tried it—"

THE WARMTH OF A NIGHT SURVIVED | CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now