t e n ↣ blind spot

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ALICE DUNLAP REMEMBERED LIFE at the prison, all too well. When she first arrived there, she never thought that her memories surrounding the place would've become so fond. As a means of avoiding her current predicament, her mind decided to replay the beginning of her stay there, over and over again.

She remembered Patrick. She remembered Elliot. She remembered the not-so-distant period of time when she used to loathe Carl Grimes. In just a couple of weeks, everything had changed.

A few weeks ago, Rick Grimes retrieved the girl from her cell block and practically forced Carl to teach her how to clean a gun. That of which, Alice already knew how to do, but—at that point in time—she was not one to mess with the boy's sense of self-importance. So she zipped her lips, gritted her teeth and endured the most awkward, passive aggressive twenty minutes of her life.

While Alice wished that she could say that Carl had her full attention during his reluctant, haphazard lesson, she accidentally focused in on Elliot and Patrick. They were sitting on the floor of the cell block, not too far from where Alice was, separated by nothing other than a cluster of legos. Patrick was doing the building and Elliot was doing the desperate gazing. They were so in love, blissfully unaware of everything that was to come.

Aside from the obvious distraction the girl was facing, she was inherently hesitant about Carl Grimes possessing a gun. She'd heard what happened the last time he was allowed to carry one, and was well aware as to why he was only allowed to clean it under Rick's supervision. Alice carried a certain suspense about her, as she carefully watched his every move.

Now, only a few weeks after having not trusted Carl with a weapon, was she depending on him to defend her with it.

The two practically stood back-to-back, with their weapons raised, immediately after Rick initiated a deadly confrontation with the people who were supposed to be greeting them. Carl Grimes, without a second thought, had become the one she trusted to cover her blind spot, despite the lingering awkwardness from their conversation in the woods.

After what seemed like running through a maze of gunshots, the group was finally cornered. They'd put up a fair fight, but didn't have the numbers they needed until they were unknowingly locked in a stationary train car with the only other people in the world that could help them figure out how to get out of this situation.

Amidst all the chaos, Alice never really found the time to think about the item from her past that she'd just seen. But as the silence crept in and the group dispersed to make their own weapons, the girl began to stir.

THE WARMTH OF A NIGHT SURVIVED | CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now