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ALICE DUNLAP HAD A pimple. It was red, irritated—about to blow at any moment. The spot was painful, as well as painfully obvious, and the girl had never felt anything like it or the shame that came with it, before. It was right in the middle of her cheek, bouncing atop the skin every time she dared to mutter a word.

The girl had dealt with much worse, only having freshly healed from the extreme bruising done to her face several weeks ago. But this spot seemed to be all that she could focus on when the entire world was, collectively, a bigger problem. Alice had a wide variety of issues to choose from, and instead her mind could only handle the impact of the zit on her face.

She figured that all of her problems—that she was using the distraction of the pimple to ignore—were probably the cause of the small spot. The girl had lived a dozen lifetimes worth of stress, but only now was she beginning to show it. Now that society and unlimited access to mirrors were once again a part of her life.

Alice had no idea how to approach this ongoing Carol situation. She didn't even know if she was ever going to approach it. It was too much to wrap her head around while simultaneously making perfect sense. It gave a darkness to the woman who she never thought was capable of doing such things. But Carol was capable, Elliot was dead and now Sam Anderson was living in fear.

Despite the morbid details about her brother's death lingering in the back of her mind, the most disheartening thing, to Alice, was realizing how much she and Carol now had in common.

They were both lying to the people around them, harboring guns and putting on an act. Although approaching their tactics rather differently, neither of them were ready to put their second foot in the door of Alexandria, and that was all that mattered in the grand scheme of things.

It was hard for Alice to go about her new life with such a secret. She'd never really kept one before. The girl itched to tell someone about it—that someone being Carl Grimes. But talking to Carl in such a familiar manner was not an option anymore. Things between Alice and her only true confidante had changed, indefinitely.

So, while she and Carl lounged about in his new room, the two silently worked on their homework. Well, Alice worked on their homework, as the boy had handed his assignment over to the girl several minutes ago.

The only thing getting her through this awkward encounter was the fact that Glenn had promised her that she could go on the run with them, later that morning. It'd been over a week since she'd been outside those walls, and she was craving the fresh air. This outing was yet another thing that she felt she was keeping from Carl, while sitting just a few feet away from him.

THE WARMTH OF A NIGHT SURVIVED | CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now