ONE-SHOT (Stan Marsh/fem!Reader) Far Away

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reader is 16 years old. she/her pronouns


You lay on your bed, it was summer time in South Park, Colorado. Which would usually mean hanging out with all your friends. Unfortunately the only person you were excited to hang out moved to none other than California. Stan Marsh, your long distance boyfriend. It wasn't always long distance, his dad decided one day that the weed market in Colorado wasn't what it was like before.

You stared at your ceiling maybe if you wished hard enough he would come back, permanently. But you've been wishing since he left that he'd come back. It's been a while since he texted back, you always worried something bad happened to him.

"(Y/n)?" The voice of Kyle called. "Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah," you mumbled. Kyle opened the door and entered your bedroom. He walked over to you and sat on the bed. You and Kyle sat in silence waiting for the other to speak.

"Are you going to stay locked in all summer?" He asked and you simply shrugged. "I miss him too, but he seems to be having fun and you should go and have fun too."

The words stung, Stan was having fun without you while you stayed locked in your bedroom hurt. You sighed, you turned and looked at Kyle with a sad smile.

"What were you thinking of doing?" You asked and he gave you a cheerful smile.

"We can go to the water park. Butters, Craig, Tweek and Clyde all wanted to go." He explained and you nodded.

"Sounds great for me. Let me just get my stuff and I'll meet you downstairs. Kyle smiled and nodded, he got up and made his way out of the bedroom. You closed the door behind him before letting out a sob. Was Stan having fun? Or did Kyle say it just to get you out of bed? You couldn't care, Stan hasn't texted you since last night. Whatever he was doing was better then texting you.

You grabbed all your stuff and made your way downstairs where Kyle was waiting for you.

"All ready," you smiled.

"Cool, Clyde said to meet over at his place so he can drive us there." Kyle explained and you nodded.

"Clyde drives?" You asked and Kyle nodded.

"He took his driver test last month and passed," Kyle said surprised.

"Well, Clyde's always wanted to drive by himself. No one else was in such a rush like him." You laughed and Kyle nodded.

"I'm in the process of practicing," Kyle explained. "I'm no good at it though. Actually I think my dad installed three more seat belts on the passenger side for safety reasons." He joked.

"But at least you're practicing! My dad refuses to teach me, he think's I'd crash and burn the car!" You exclaimed frustratedly.

"Ask Clyde for lessons, he'd more than happy to teach you." Kyle suggested.

You and Kyle arrived at Clyde's place, not after stopping by Kyle's house so he could grab his stuff. You climbed inside his very spacious vehicle. Craig and Tweek were sitting in the back. Craig was showing something to Tweek on his phone while Tweek laughed at it. Kyle decided to take shot gun and you took the back seat.

"Seatbelts everyone!" Clyde shouted checking his mirrors. He started the car as everyone put on their seatbelt. "Kyle be a doll and put on the GPS."

"Be a doll?" Kyle repeated confused.

"Yeah, now put the GPS," Clyde began driving as Kyle googled the address to the water park. It was awkward to be in the back seat with Craig and Tweek who are in a loving relationship.

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