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Wednesday, 7:20 a

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Wednesday, 7:20 a.m

Ah.. I'm gonna be late..


Third POV

As the female dashed in between groups of people in the schoolyard she managed to bump into young man. "O-oh I'm so sorry! Uh here let me pick up your bag.."  the girl hurriedly spoke quickly picking up her and the gentleman's bag. "Uh here, sorry again" shoving the bag in the boys hands the girl then proceeded to quickly change shoes. The boy just simply shrugged it off and proceeded to his shoe locker.

"Y/nnnn Where were you?! I was left alone with this idoit." Misa yelled. "Misa I apologize I bumped into a boy on my way here.." I calmly replied. I was then interrupted by Ayame. "Wait.. YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME?!" "Yes you Ayame who else.." Misa murmured while rolling her eyes. Before they could argue anymore our  teacher had walked in asking for everyone to get in their seats.

When I reached in my bag to grab my notebook I froze realizing I had grabbed the wrong bag. *crap, this isn't my bag.. what am I going to do * I sighed putting the notebook back and stuffing my face in my hands.

"Uh L/n-San?" I turned my head towards the voice. I finally realized that the person who I bumped into was not only Miyamura Izumi but my seat partner. "We switched bags.. here" Miyamura continued as he hands me my bag and grabbing his. I murmured a soft sorry unsure if he'd had heard me or not.*gosh that's so embarrassing*


*ah finally lunch time* Before I got up I turned towards Miyamura. "Hey.. do you wanna eat lunch with me?" I asked. I've never seen him eat with anyone, I feel sorry. "Hm? Uh yeah... thanks" he replied. I could see his cheeks turn a dust pink before shaking it of. "My friends will be joining, their a bit loud so I apologize in advance." I warned him moving two desk toward ours. "That's fine with me.."
"Y/n~ my love look what I ha-" I turned towards Ayame waving my hands at Misa in the process. "I invited Miyamura-San if y'all don't mind" "eh? That's fine we need another boy anyways,  I'm tired of him" Misa replied slapping Ayame in the back and sitting down opposite of Miyamura. "Hmph. I don't like him..." "Did you say something Ayame?" I questioned pulling out my lunch. "No. Anyways Miyamura Do you like my Y/n?" Ayame asked pointing his finger at Miyamura. I turned red glaring at Ayame. "Hey! All I asked was if he liked you or not.." Ayame pleaded while waving his hands in his face. "So Miyamura-San do you like y/n?" Misa questioned leading closer towards him raising her eyebrows. "I think she's a good person.. we haven't necessarily talked much.." Miyamura replied calmly,scratching the back of his neck. "So~ if you and y/n went out together you would start having feelings for her? Hmm.."  I finally told them to back off and just eat. I turned to Miyamura quickly apologizing. "Sorry.. I've never seen them so pressed about someone" " it's alright they seem genuine" Miyamura said giving me a small smile. "Where's your bento?" I questioned realizing he didn't have anything on his desk. "I uh forgot to pack something. I'm fine tho-" "Here" I interrupted shoving some rice in front his mouth. He look at me with wide eyes before nervously opening his mouth welcoming the food. "Wow it's really good.." Miyamura whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear. "It's just rice you know" I replied, softly smiling in the process.


*hm I have to go home and clean then study for our test..* I thought as I packed up my school supplies. "Uhm L/n-San can you help me study? I'm not good at English.." Miyamura asked standing up with his bag. I turned toward him replying with a yes. "We could go to my house now if you have time?" I asked not sure of his after school schedule. He nodded his head saying he had nothing he was busy with. With that we started to head out class together before he was stopped by our class mate.
"You left this.."
"Ah thanks.. let's go L/n-San"
'Hm he has a pretty face for a otaku'

"Hori! Wanna go shopping with me!"
4:47 p.m
"Miyamura-San? Do you think we could stop at the corner store really quick?" I asked turning my head towards him. "Yeah I don't mind" Miyamura replied.
"I'm home!" I yelled as me and Miyamura entered my house. "Let me put these away my bedroom is upstairs to your right." I say pointing the way towards my room. Miyamura gives me a slight nod before handing me the bags and heading upstairs.
*I could make us some tea.. but I don't know which one he'll like..*
As I entered my room I seen Miyamura siting in front my bed laying his head back. "I brought us some tea!" "Hm? Oh thank you.." I told him it's nothing and I began to help him study for our quiz

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7:30 p.m
Third person POV
Y/n and Miyamura sat there in silence, they had been finished studying. "Do you want something to eat? I could make us something." Y/n asked standing up. " Yeah I could eat, I'll help" Miyamura replied following the girls movement and following her to her kitchen.
The girl looked through her fridge pondering on what to make. "Do you have any idea on what you want?" Y/n asked looking back at boy. "EH!! Misao what are you doing!" Y/n freaked at the sight before her, Her little sister Misao laying peacefully on Miyamura's chest. "It's fine L/n-San I don't mind, plus I think she fell asleep.." Miyamura whispered to the girl who hurriedly made her way over to them. "I'm so sorry for her behavior, she's never done this before" Y/n replied bowing to the young boy. " ah please it's really nothing!" " Here I'll put her to bed and I'm sorry again" Y/n bowed once again before making her way towards her sisters room with her sister in hand.
"L/n-San speaks so formally.." Miyamura got up from his seat stretching a bit before making his way towards her kitchen and preparing a meal. "I'm back so do yo- oh?" Miyamura looked up watching as the girl made her way towards him. "Please L/n-San I'll handle the food please just rest" Miyamura said before slightly pushing her into the living room. "Wait I-" Before Y/n could finish her sentence she had tripped on their carpet, in a attempt to help the girl Miyamura quickly grasped her waist pulling her towards him. Pulling her to hard they both fall backwards Y/n landing on Miyamura in the process. "Are you ok?" Miyamura asked placing one of his hands on the girls head.
Y/n swore time had stopped in that moment. The way he looked at her in worry. Y/n stuttered out a quiet 'yes' but before they could separate themselves Y/n's older brother walks into the living. Freezing in that moment the couple slowly turned their heads toward the young man who was petrified at sight. "Ew.. That's for your room Y/n not our living room floor" the male said making his way into the kitchen.

Word Count: 1280
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word Count: 1280what's you guys favorite anime?Have a nice day! And don't forget to vote!

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