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7:37 p

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7:37 p.m
"That's something you do in your room Y/n not our living room floor" said the older male as her made his way into the kitchen.

"No no it's not like that! I fell an- you know he caught me- and we fell.." Y/n rambled to her brother as she got up. "Whoa did you make this?" Her brother asked pointing towards the food prepared in the kitchen. "No Miyamura-San did.?" Y/n replied pointing at the male beside her. "Yeahh I'm taking some, welcome to family Miyamura" the male said while plating his food. " Miyamura-San this is my older brother Shuuji" "uh hello nice to meet you.." Miyamura said nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "L/n- San I should go it's getting late" Miyamura continued as he turned to the female beside him. "Oh, I didn't even notice it was dark. Let me walk you out."
"Thanks again for helping me study L/n-San, I think I'll pass this one." The young boy said walking outside their house gate before turning around. "It's nothing, I want to apologize for Shuuji and Misao." Y/n replied with a slightly frown. "It's fine L/n-San I really don't mind.. I'll see you at school. Goodnight" Miyamura replied with a smile before waving a little goodbye before jogging home.
*well that was embarrassing* As I ran back inside I rushed to Shuuji's room. "Shuuji!" "Hmm?" Shuuji turned his head towards me with food stuffed in his mouth. "Ugh whatever just don't assume those kind of ideas.." I said leaving his room and making my way towards mine. *Shuuji completely embarrassed me in front of Miyamura..* I sigh as I grasp my towel and made my way into the shower room.
Miyamura pov 8:05 p.m
*ah.. that was embarrassing* I thought as I made my way past a small park before hearing slight sniffles. "Uhm Are you alright kid?" I questioned as I made towards the sound finding a little boy sitting on the sand. "I got cut.. It hurts a lot." The boy replied "Uh here let's go to the corner store and get something for you" I continued as I held my hand out or him to grab.
Third POV
"Huh? Souta? And whose this?" "Oh Hori-San it's me Miyamura." Miyramura said giving Hori an awkward smile. "Miyamura?" Hori questioned. "Oh uh here come in." Hori said stepping back allowing the boys to come in. "I didn't recognize you, yknow with those piercings" Hori said placing a cup of tea in front of Miyamura. "Yeah that's the usual reaction.." Miyamura replied with a slight giggle. Miyamura then looked up from his position to see Hori just plainly staring at him. "Is there something on my face?" The boy questioned as he tried feeling his face. "Huh no, it's just that you have a really pretty face" said Hori boldly. Miyamura just blushed at the comment, the poor boy was embarrassed no one had called him pretty before. "Thank you.. You're also pretty Hori-san." Miyamura whispered loud enough for the female to hear him. Unlike Miyamura, Hori's blush wasn't out of embarrassment.
9:48 p.m
"Thanks for the tea Hori-san see you at school" Miyamura said as he waved goodbye finally making his way home.
Thursday - Y/n Pov
"Get into groups no more than four people"
"Hey Miyamura-San wan-" " Miyamura wanna join my group!" Hori said interrupting me. "Uh ok then, what were you going to say L/n-san?" Miyamura questioned as he turned his head towards me. I shook my head replying with 'nothing' before getting up to partner with Misa and Ayame. "Y/n! My love~" "Ayame stop being a simp, You alright Y/n?" Misa asked patting the seat next to her. "I'm fine why?" I replied places my books down and beginning to work. "You seem off.. eh maybe it's nothing" Misa whispers.
Hori Pov
"Yuki, Tooru this is Miyamura he's gonna be in our group." I said introducing Miyamura. "Anyways let's get started!" I add on after they both say 'hello'. Our conversation were most of Yuki arguing with Tooru about Miyamura, but the entire time I kept seeing Miyamura look at L/n. *why does it angry me that he's looking at her? Its not like I like him..* "Miyamura do you like L/n or something you keep staring at her" Tooru randomly questioned leaning back on his chair. "Huh oh uh no?" Miyamura replied. "You don't seem sure. If this was up to me I would say you do" Tooru adds as he shrugs his shoulders. "Let's stop talking about her ok? Miyamura doesn't like L/n" I fumed.
Third POV
"Miyamura wanna eat lunch with us?" Yuki questioned. Hori turned her attention towards Yuki and Miyamura while still helping Tooru, "No sorry I'm having lunch with L/n-san" Miyamura beamed as a slight smile came to his face unknowingly. A slight hum could be heard from Hori, the girl was angry; angry at you? Or maybe Miyamura? But why?
Y/n and Miyamura's lunch was like no other. There they sat on a small bench in a secluded part of their school eating lunch and having small conversations here and there. In the back on Y/n's mind she felt uneasy but she simply brushed it of think she needed more rest that day, one person sat at the rooftop discreetly watching them interact.
"Thanks for walking me home Miyamura-san, please come in" Y/n said opening her house door to take her shoes off. The next hours consisted of talking, laughing, and awkward silence after there accidentally physically affections.
"Which movie should I put on L/n-san?" The boy asked scanning through the movies on the screen. "Uh any scary movie please!" Y/n replied grabbing some drinks for the both of them. "Ehh scary? Why that?" Miyamura begged as chills ran up his spine. "Don't worry I'll protect you" Y/n joked as she sat next the boy.
The movie continued with Miyamura jumping slightly and moving closer to the girl for support. Near the last 45 mins of the movie Y/n was dozing off slowly leaning on Miyamura. Eventually completely falling asleep on the boy, Miyamura first reaction was to freeze in place after realizing she was asleep. Miyamura then carefully bridal style picked Y/n and carried her to her bedroom, softly placing her on her bed and pulling back he realized Y/n had a tight grip on shirt. "What am I supposed to do now.." Miyamura whispered to himself before carefully sliding into Y/n's bed alongside her. Miyamura slowly drifted off into sleep but not before he felt Y/n's wrap herself around him pushing their bodies against each other. Miyamura wanted to return the jester but he still had thoughts on Y/n being uncomfortable with his hands on her.
Word Count: 1175

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Word Count: 1175

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