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"Shua Hyung, did you know that you have a really pretty smile? Your eyes always sparkle as if they hold the entire galaxy within." Mingyu said looking at the latter lovingly.

"Well, now I know!" Joshua giggled shyly.
There was a long pause before Mingyu broke the silence.

"Hyung, There is something I wanted to tell you. For quite a long time"

"What is it?"

"Hyung, I.....I like you. No, actually I love you! I loved you ever since I saw you for the first time. I love everything about you. I love how you call my name with your sweet voice, I love how you always give me hugs whenever I'm tired, I love how kind, caring and gentle you are. And moreover I am grateful to you for always being by my side. I want to spend rest of my life with you. I want to treat you right and let you know how important you are to me. I really love you shua."

"What? You loved me ever since then? Do you know how much I've been waiting for this moment? I thought you never liked me the way I did" Joshua seemed very flustered much to Jeonghan's dismay.

He had been there the whole time and he didn't like what he heard a bit. He couldn't hear his joshuji confess to someone else anymore.He doesn't know why his tears are falling.

"Joshua is allowed to be with anyone he wants, right? Then why does it hurts so much? Why does it feel like I lost everything I have?"

The only thing he could do at the moment was to cry, cry all the wants, alone and by himself. He didn't have his best friend to console him this time. Maybe he really was in love with him best friend but it was too late.

Jeonghan had always known that he was different. He had always had feelings for Joshua but had never dared to admit it. He had always been too scared of what Joshua might say or do.

That was until now that he accidentally overheard the conversation between Joshua and Mingyu.

He regrets everything. He regrets not realizing his feelings sooner, he regrets thinking he loved Joshua as a friend even when he knew he wanted somethingmore than friendship.

He hates himself for being a fool.

Jeonghan felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. He had always suspected that there was something going on between Joshua and Mingyu, but he never really thought that they were serious about each other. Now he was heartbroken because he had lost the chance to tell Joshua how he felt.

He cried himself to sleep that day. Promising himself to never get in between Joshua's happiness. Afterall he loved the boy and he wanted him to be happy. That's all that mattered.

But Days turned into weeks and Jeonghan found himself getting more and more depressed. He tried to hide his pain and sadness from everyone but it was hard.

The pain was always there, just below the surface. He would find himself crying when he was alone, thinking about Joshua and how he had lost his chance with him.

~Time skip~

It's currently 7 am. Seventeen is infront of the van ready to leave for the location where they'll be filming ITS.

"You all did the packing properly right? Are we ready to go?" Seungcheol exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course! We are ever so ready. Guys hop in" hoshi said picking his seat first.

The rest of the members followed after him.

"Jeonghan Can I sit next to you?" Joshua asked for his permission.

"No actually it's for seungcheol" Jeonghan said calmly without looking at Joshua.

"Oh It's fine. I'll just sit with mingyu I guess"

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now