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"Hoshi, have you seen Jeonghan anywhere? I've been literally searching him for hours and can't find him anywhere!" HE groaned. He wanted to talk to Jeonghan about something. But the latter was is no where to be found as if he vanished into the thin air. So much for being an angel.

"He is probably at the camping area. He said he wanted to drink alone earlier" hoshi replied

"Thanks, I'll go find him." HE went to one of the tents and there he was drunk, facetiming his sister.


"Jeonghan" I said after he was done with the call.

"Hey! Why are you here?" He replied. 'How rude'

"I wanted to talk with you. You really look like a heartbroken person drinking alone like this." He still doesn't ask for help when he needs it the most.

"What do you mean?" He said drinking the wine.

"I was talking about you and Joshua"

"WHAT? What do you know-I mean how do you know?" He spit the wine, looking at me shocked and confused.

"Of course I'd know. Especially when you are so obvious while staring at him lovingly and so jealous when he is close to other. Do you expect me to notice when you glare at mingyu whenever he touch shua haha. Only if looks could kill!"

"I can't help it you know. It hurts" he said looking like he's about to cry.

"Aww come on, don'tbe sad. I can help you"

"How?.....You can't! They are already together." What is he talking about?

"You can still try tho! I have a brilliant plan, at least we can give it a try" I suggested and he looks interested as well.

"What is it?"

"Well you know how you guys have always been there for each other ever since you guys met, what if you stop doing that"

"What?!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

"I mean we could act as we love each other to make him jealous. He might realise your importance when he don't have you. And it might help me as well. I want to try it on jihoon as well you know" I know he already knows that I like jihoon. We are in the same boat now so we can as well help each other out.

"It doesn't sound bad tho. Now I feel like I can make my joshuji fall for me." He smirked and we joined hands. In the soop is really gonna be fun this time.

(A/n: this escalated quick lol)

~time skip~
"Hyung, where is Jeonghan? I didn't see him returning yesterday as well"

"I guess they both fell asleep in the tent" hoshi said without noticing how tensed Joshua was.

"Both?" He said subconsciously.

"Yeah hannie hyung and camel hyung hahaha. He went there serching for hyung yesterday but I didn't see them returning. They probably stayed at the tent." Hoshi informed before leaving to the kitchen.

"What's with them these days? They're acting like a married couple. Why'd they sleep at the tent when they have their own rooms" it's not like joshua could tell them what to do anyways so why was he so annoyed?!

'I should just let them be tho right?' Joshua thought standing in front of the tent. He wanted to leave but his heart was not ready to listen. He peeked through to find them cuddling together. And he was gonna take action! 'How dare he alone and cuddle with seungcheol?!'

"JEONGHAN! IT'S ALREADY 2 AM. ARE YOU NOT PLANNING TO WAKE UP?" He screamed on top of his lings jolting them awake.

"I couldn't sleep well properly you know?" He pouted rubbing his eyes. It might be cute but now's not the time!

"Seungcheol, Can I burrow hannie for a second?"

"Sure. He's all yours haha." I swear he's such a tease.

"Shuaya Why did you drag me here? I was having quality time with him!" He said glancing at their interlocked hands.

"So your cheollie has become more important that me huh?" Joshua pouted.


'No one is more important than you shua'

"Why? Are you probably jealous?" I said cupping his face.

"N-no why'd I be. I have somewhere to go.....see you later" he looked so flustered. Why is he acting like this all of a sudden?"

"Loot at you smiling like a fool. He's really cute isn't he?"

"Why are you so nosy seungcheol?!"
'He said the fact tho. Joshuji IS cute'

"You haven't forgot the plan right? We need to execute it as well" he reminded me
"Let's go then. We have two hearts to break!"

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now