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Joshua sits on a white sandy beach, toes sinking into the warm grains as he watches the waves crash against the shore. He leans his head against Mingyu's shoulders, sinking into the warmth. Joshua turns to Mingyu, gaze lingering on him, and with a soft smile, he intertwines his hands with Mingyu. "Isn't it so peaceful here?"

"Yeah, do you like it?"

"Absolutely," Shua affirms with a nod. "Coming here with you was the best choice." The ocean breeze gently tousles Jisoo's hair, and Mingyu ruffles it with a fond smile. He gazes at Jisoo for a while and decides to broach the subject that had been lingering in his mind.

"Shua," Mingyu hands travel down, resting at Jisoo's cheeks. "I hope you're having fun here. I know you wanted some time alone, but... are you really doing okay? I don't want you to feel lonely or left out."

"I'm okay, really. I just needed a break from everything and everyone."

Mingyu squeezes Shua's hand gently. "Are you sure, Shua? You know we're here for you, right? We all care about you."

"I know," Shua smiles back at him, affectionately. "And that's why I asked you to come with me. Because I knew you'd understand. You always have." Mingyu reaches out to tuck a loose strand of Joshua's hair behind his ear, gently tracing his fingers along his cheek. "You know I would do anything for you."

Joshua lets out a light chuckle. "I feel bad dragging you out here with me. You might have had something planned out for the vacation, and I ruined it."

"No, you did not," Mingyu assures.

"Obviously, you will say that in front of me."

"No, I was actually going to ask you out for a trip,"

"Seriously? "

He gently pulls Joshua closer, their shoulders brushing against each other. "Yeah. For me, there is nothing outside of you."


"What do you mean, Seungcheol?"

"What do you think will happen if Mingyu finds out his dear shua hyung will never belong to him? It hasn't been long since he recovered from that incident." Seungcheol smirks, his words weren't merely a question but a statement of what was to come.

Seungkwan freezes completely.  He remembers the day Mingyu's parents died. He had been there, along with the other members of Seventeen, when they received the news. Mingyu had been inconsolable. His world turned upside down in an instant. He had refused to eat or sleep, and he had cried until there were no more tears left. It had taken weeks for him to start to heal, and even then, he was never quite the same.

Joshua had been the one who had helped Mingyu through his darkest days. He had stayed by his side, offering comfort and support. He had listened to Mingyu's endless stories about his parents, and he had helped him to find a way to move forward. Mingyu had slowly started to rebuild his life, and he eventually found happiness again.

Seungkwan knows that if Mingyu were to find out that Joshua loves Jeonghan, it would destroy him. Mingyu has finally found a reason to live and love again. Taking Joshua away from him would be like ripping his heart out all over again.

"Please, hyung," Seungkwan pleaded, his voice trembling. "Don't do this. Mingyu doesn't deserve to be hurt. He's already been through so much."

Seungcheol's expression remained cold and unwavering. "I'm not doing this for my own pleasure, Seungkwan. I'm doing it for them. For their own good. They need to be protected from themselves."

Seungkwan knew that Seungcheol was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to argue further. He was too afraid of the consequences, too afraid of hurting Mingyu.

With a heavy heart, Seungkwan made a painful decision. He would remain silent. He would do whatever it took to protect Mingyu. "Fine, I won't say anything. But know this. You may think you're fixing everything, but you're only destroying yourself and our friendship in the process."

Seungcheol chuckled darkly, seemingly satisfied with Seungkwan's surrender. "I couldn't care less about our friendship, Seungkwan. All I care about is getting what I want, and no one will stand in my way. Now, go and forget about this. Pretend like nothing happened."

Seungkwan felt a mix of anger and sorrow swell within him. How could Seungcheol have changed so much? The person standing before him was a complete stranger. With a heavy heart, He turned away, unable to bear the sight of his once-trusted friend.

A/n: Haven't proofread yet! It took me so long to write. I had to read from the start because I completely forgot the plot 😭 Anyways, ig I'm finally back ✨️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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