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It has been a week since the members had arrived. Almost all the members were out, doing there own stuffs at the moment. Joshua stayed back alone to make his own perfume. He loved indulging himself in making stuffs that he loved. And he specially loved making beaded bracelets, necklaces and perfumes.  He has even made some to the members before. People would say his hobbies were really feminine but he didn't minded it, he was happy and that's all what matters!

"This turned out better than I expected. " he said, spraying on his wrist and neck.

"I should probably eat something now. I'm really hungry" he said to himself, before heading towards the kitchen. He had this habit of talking to himself when there were no one around.

"Is anyone there?" He heard a voice which sounded very much like seokmin's.

'I thought everyone had left?' He thought and moved towards the source of the sound.

"Uh dokyeom-ah What happened?" He asked once he realised it was him.

"Shua. I forgot to bring my clothes"

"What?" Joshua let out in a muffled voice, trying his best not to laugh. What was dokyeom even thinking when taking a shower without bringing his clothes with him?!

"Can you bring me something to wear?" He asked shyly, feeling embarrassed by his clumsiness.

"Yeah! I'll be back soon. Just wait a minute" joshua went back to his room, took his closed and rushed out hurriedly.

"Here! Take it" dokyeom slightly opened the door, taking the clothes from shua's hands. He sighed when he realised it was shua's clothes, not his and whinned. "Shua. Why did you brought yours instead of mine? It might not even fit me!"

"Come one! Just wear it. I didn't know which room was yours" he rolled his eyes.

Dokyeom came out of the washroom after getting dressed and just as he said, the shirt was a bit small on him, and the buttons struggling to hold it in place.

"What a fit~" shua teased him.

"It's your fault, you brat"

"Well, who told you to bulk up like that?! My clothes used to fit you just fine before" dk opened his mouth to say something but he didn't since shua was not exactly wrong.

Joshua, Jeonghan and dokyeom are infront of the fireplace, enjoying their roasted marshmallows. It was shua's plan and who were them to stop him. They tagged along to keep him company.

"Ahh I love it here so much!" Joshua smiled scrunching his nose, enjoying the sweet smell lingering in the air. He loved marshmallows and he loved tranquillity. So what more could he ask for at the moment?!

"Yeah, your face says it all. You were being a devil just a few hours ago and now you're looking all sweet and angellic!" Dk said, adoring the older's cuteness secretly.

"Really? But you look really good in this shirt!" shua teased, poking his arms teasingly and jeonghan was just thirdwheeling there.

"What is it about?" Jeonghan rolled his eyes seeing the both talking about something he didn't know. Joshua explained what happened between them and his eyes darkened even more.

Joshua and seokmin were still arguing when jeonghan suddenly stood up, the chair hitting the ground due to the impact.
"I'm not feeling good and my head is hurting a lot. I'll go first and take a rest." He excused himself and left to his room, leaving the two in confusion.

"I'll go check on him. You should also go to bed seokminah" shua said before following jeonghan to his room.

"Hannie, Is your head hurting a lot? Lemme massage it for you " he said sliding himself under the covers beside jeonghan.

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