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"Are we ready to leave?" The manager asks, scanning the group to ensure everyone is present. All of them nod in agreement, except for Jeonghan, who appears to be deep in thought. Joshua is nowhere to be seen, and no one else seems to have taken notice. "I'll wait in the car then. Be fast" The manager says and leaves.

"Where is shua?" Jeonghan thinks out loud without realising.

"He left with Mingyu earlier," Seokmin says matter-of-factly, causing Jeonghan's disappointment to grow. Of course, Joshua would choose to spend time with Mingyu over everyone else. Shua needs Mingyu, not him.

"Those lovebirds just can't stay apart. We are returning home and their first priority is a date?" Seungcheol chuckles a little too cheerfully so, Jeonghan wonders if he's doing it deliberately. To hurt him for what he did to shua.

"Hyung, Is there seriously something going on between them? Shua hyung slept in Mingyu's room yesterday as well. They are kind of suspicious" Seokmin says.

"I know right" Seungcheol says in a sarcastic way.

The manager returns and approaches the group huddled together and clears his throat, garnering their attention.

"Shua just called and said he forgot his phone," the manager begins, his eyes scanning the faces before him, "Can you go bring it Wonwoo?" Wonwoo instantly responds in affirmation. He saunters out to his hyung's room, to get his phone.

"Shua is getting klutzy these days" Seungkwan laughs it off. A moment of quiet passes by before everyone stirs, and the mood is chaotic again. Only Jeonghan remains still. He stands apart from the rest, his brows furrowed in contemplation. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his eyes unfocused.

Noticing the unusual behavior, the manager approaches Jeonghan with concern etched on his face. His voice is gentle as he speaks, "Jeonghan, are you okay? We have to leave soon."

"Yes. I'm fine"


The boys are now back in their dorms. It was fun and relaxing to be out but surely, nothing beats home.

The dorm is dimly lit, but the warmness within hits them instantly. Each member exclaims their joy at being back and the mood quickly becomes lively. Some members go straight to their rooms to change out of their shooting outfits while others flop onto the couches situated in the living room.

Urns of comforting tea and snacks are promptly passed around, with some members lying sprawled on the carpeted floors. It felt like they have not been in their own comfortable and cozy dorms for ages.

"I don't wanna take a shower. I feel so sleepy" Hoshi lays down on the couch, almost about to pass out.

"Just go sleep. Tigers don't shower" Seokmin says while chucking and a few more members laugh out in agreement.

"Let's order something. I'm hungry" Jihoon suggests. Without hesitation, the group began to mull over their options.

"Chicken skewers for me"

"Kimchi stew"



As the group took turns expressing their preferences, Jihoon turns to Jeonghan, seeking his input. "Jeonghan hyung, what do you want?" he inquires somewhat politely. To the surprise of the others, Jeonghan's response was rather peculiar. It was rare to see someone not wanting to eat. "I am not eating," he replies with a tone of indifference.


"No I just don't feel like eating"

Jihoon, in response to Jeonghan's answer, simply nods his head and proceeds to place the food order. Further Probing would do no good anyways.

"By the way, Shouldn't Mingyu and shua have returned by now? They left way earlier than us" Seungkwan asks and honestly, Jeonghan is curious as well. Why are they not back yet? What are they doing together? Even the managers does not seem to have a problem with the wandering just alone but Jeonghan is incredibly bothered.

"Why don't you ask Manager hyung?"

"Okay Jeonghan hyung"

Seungkwan returns sooner than expected with an unexpected new though. "Hyung, He said Mingyu hyung and shua hyung went on a trip together" Seungkwan exclaims but it doesn't seem to be unexpected for the members. Only Jeonghan is baffled.

"They could have atleast informed us before going" Seungkwan pouts.

"Told you they would go on a date" Seungcheol says.

"Where?" Jeonghan asks hesitantly.

"Cebu" This is unexpected as well. Specially since shua had alwahs wanted to go there with him. But maybe it is not supposed to be that unexpected. Shua doesn't need Jeonghan anymore.

"For how long?" He doesn't want to but he still continues probing. His quavering voice betrays him and he can not steady himself.

"3 days"

"That's long. I also wanted to go. They should have taken me with them" Seokmin says.

"You wish," Seungkwan says dismissively before heading to his room, clearly not wanting to engage in the conversation any further. He quickly retrieves his phone and dials Joshua's number.

"Hyung, what's going on? Why are you suddenly in Cebu?" Seungkwan asks, his concern evident in his tone.

"I just needed a break," Joshua replies, his voice low and solemn. Seungkwan can sense the hesitation in his words so he tries to be cautious. "A break? Seriously? I told you to talk it out with Jeonghan hyung." Seungkwan is struggling to keep the frustration out of his tone, but the concern in his voice is louder.

"I tried, okay?" Joshua's voice is laced with frustration, "But he doesn't want to talk. Besides, it was just an impulse, he doesn't like me." Seungkwan is taken aback by Joshua's words and tries to hide the shock he feels. "What? Who told you that?"

"Let's not talk about this, please," Joshua's voice is cold, a hint of annoyance creeping in. Seungkwan knows better than to push him too far, so he sighs and agrees, "Okay," Seungkwan relents, realizing that it's not his place to push the matter. "But you should have taken me with you instead. I feel sad."

"I am sorry kwannie. Mingyu wanted to go on a trip and I needed a break as well so, I asked him"

"Let's go together next time"

"Sure. We actually have to go somewhere so, I'll call you later"

"Have fun hyung"

"Okay. I love you kwannie"

"Love you too hyung"


A/n: A few more chapters before the book ends. *sigh*
PS. Don't worry It's gonna be a happy ending.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now