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Joshua's POV

"Mingyu, Do you think there is something going on between jeonghan and seungcheol? They're kinda suspicious!"

"Probably nothing! You know they both love skinships and flirting. It'd be odd if they stop flirting with literally anyone they find haha" he said jokingly. While what he said is true, but jeonghan always spent most of his time with me. But here, even seeing him is difficult.

"MINGYU! SHUA! DINNER IS READY. COME OVER" I flinched at the loud voice and mingyu being mingyu, didn't stopped teasing me even when we were at the dining table.

"Carats praise you for always being so brave but here you are scared with just a member screaming" he whispered to me after sitting besides him in the table. I could feel face turn red, I couldn't even defend myself since what Mingyu said was true afterall. I wanted carats to see me as a strong guy who could protect them from anything.

"Why are you giggling so much Mingyu? You better not bully my shua hyung if you want to stay alive" seungkwan gave him his infamous boombastic side eye and warned mingyu ( Why is this thing so popular tho?! Lmao)

"I heard you are doing a drama soon" Jeonghan blurted out all of a sudden looking at mingyu with vengeful eyes. Well he loved mingyu and all the members very much but he had to get back for all the tears he wasted right?

"How did you know?" Mingyu stopped laughing, taken aback since I was the only one he had told about this. The members were confused just as much.

"Well, I heard you talking with Joshua. How could you do this?! Do you know how hurt hyung is? Do you only love Joshuji and not others? He wiped his non existent tears dramatically.

"You knew and you didn't tell us?" Hoshi said.

"I also found about it recently. Mingyu is the one at fault here."

"It's not like th-" he was cut off by other members who were carrying on with Jeonghan's 'mingyu is a betrayer ' agenda as well. It's not a surprise tho since jeonghan had always been a champion in gaslighting.

"He wanted it to be a surprise guys. He told me he wanted to see you all being proud of him so we were planning a surprise. Anyways since we all know now, we should wish him for the best right?" I suggested trying my best to save him from the members.

"Thank you so much for saving me honey. I'll repay you with a lot of kisses" mingyu whispered making joshua cringe at his words.

"I'd rather you repay me with a chanel bag instead" I nudged Mingyu's shoulder with my elbow.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be waiting for my bag mingyu-ya" I rushed out of his room before he could say something but something grabbed my arms and dragged me somewhere. Of course it would be Jeonghan. We were now in his room.

"What are you doing jeonghan?" I asked trying to remove his hands but he locked the door instead.

"Come on dude, let me go" i said again, avoiding any sort of eye contact. I really didn't wanted to talk to him at that moment. But he just came closer and and closer till I had no space left to back off. My breath hitched when he harshly grabbed my chin and stared, almost right into my soul. This side of him always intimidated me.

"Why have you been avoiding me lately?" He lifted my face making me look at him and I swear he looks scarier than a ghost right now.

"N-no Why'd I d-do that?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

"You know you've been trying your best to stay away from me! What did I do? Tell me, you know... I could be better. Just talk to me just like you always did" he cupped my face. Something in me just snapped and I yelled at him.

"Why'd you want me to talk to you? You have you seungcheol, don't you? Go ask for him attention instead!" and be laughed as if he heard the funniest joke ever. Was I a joke to him?

"What's so funny?" I rolled my eyes.
"Are you jealous?" He smirked

"As if! Why'd I be?" I tried my best not to stutter. Why'd he even think I'd be jealous?!

"Then why is your face so red? You could have just said you don't like seeing me with him. I'd do as you say."

"It's nothing like that okay? And you are invading my personal space" I pushed him away. What's with him all if a sudden? Is he drunk or something?

"Space is just a word made up by someone who's too afraid to get close~" he's definitely drunk!

"Haha you're funny." I said trying to leave but he pushed me against the wall once again.

"I swear my back is gonna break if this continues" I glared at him. He gave me a soft smile.

"I won't let that happen. You're too precious" he winked

"Just how much did you drink?"

"I didn't!" He looked offended by what I said.

"Then let me go? Why are you doing this sudden interview?"

"But we're not done yet! Admit you were jealous and I'll let you go" he smirked again. I badly wanna erase that stupid smirk from his face!

"No I'm not!"

"Are you sure?" He pinned my hands beside me, closing the distance between us slowly.

"Fine! I was jealous" I ran out of his room as fast as I could. Damn! I can't believe he made me say that.

"He's really cute when he gets jealous"


Jeonghan was in Mingyu's room to call him over for dinner but he was not there.

Where is he?

He was about to leave when he saw something lying on the table that caught his attention. It looked like a file.

What is it? He inspected it and started flipping over the pages and reading what's written.
Isn't this a script? Why does he have this?

He's doing a drama or something I guess He shrugged before noticing that the lines he's reading felt familiar somehow.

"Is this plagiari- Wait! These are the exact same things Mingyu said to Joshua that night" he gasped, his eyes widened upon realization. Now, everything added up perfectly and it made sense!

"They are not in love? He was just going over the script! Joshuji was helping him with the lines." he rambled with teary eyes.

I'm such a fool he thought.

He was over the moon knowing that whatever he heard that night was not true.

His joshuji was not in love with Mingyu!

Relief washed over him as he felt that he still has a chance with Joshua and he was determined to seize it!

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now