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"Hyung. Are you going to skip dinner?" Seungkwan asked, looking concerned as Joshua has not left his room and he hasn't ate anything as well.

"Yeah I don't feel like eating today"

"But you have to eat something hyung. You look weak and you should secure some screentime as well."

"It's fine seungkwan. I really don't want to eat anything" shua replied. After what happened earlier, he didn't want to face the two.

"If you're not eating then I won't either!" He knew that seungkwan loved eating so he gave in.

"Alright! I'll eat. But can you please bring the food in my room?" Joshua asked awkwardly.

"No hyung. We'll be drinking and playing some games and you need your screentime okay!" He dragged joshua with him, determined to make joshua the highlight of today's episode.

Ever since they started shooting, he noticed that Joshua, the team's lead vocalist, wasn't getting enough screen time. He watched as Joshua spent most of his days working behind the scenes, attending to his fellow members. Seungkwan couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Joshua wanted to avoid Jeonghan as much as he could.
Seungkwan however, had only one thing on his mind: getting Joshua all the attention and screen time he deserves.

He made shua sit in the chair where he'd receive the most spotlight. And that place just happened to be besides Jeonghan.

But the more attention Joshua got, the more uncomfortable he became. He didn't want to be in the spotlight like this, and he especially didn't want to be around Jeonghan.

"Shua, Can you visit my room after this? I think we need to talk about what you heard earlier" Jeonghan said, leaning towards him.

"It's fine, I don't think I need to know about anything that goes on between you two" he said trying his best to keep his calm.

Jeonghan frowned not understanding what he was trying to imply.

"What are you two talking about? Are you guys hiding something from me?" Hoshi interrupted thinking he was left out by the two.

"No, it's not like that Hoshi. Joshuji said he wants to play games" Jeonghan smiled at him.

"Then Let's play 'I love you game' It's super fun." Seungkwan suggested, nudging Joshua in the ribs.

"I love you game?" Joshua asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"This game exists hyung, Trust me" Joshua looked around to the members and realised seungkwan was not joking.

"The first person turns to the person on the left and says "I love you" followed by any word they can think of. If they don't laugh, you turn to the person on your right and try again" Seungkwan explained the rules.

"The object of the game is simply not to laugh. Anyone who does has to drink. But if they say I love you back, then the turn shifts to someone else." Wonwoo added.

"Ok! We'll start from shua" Dk said, all of them were looking at joshua and he was panicking.

How was he supposed to say I love you to Jeonghan?

"Hyung~ Come on! Hold his hands and say it." Hoshi said impatiently, he was excited for his turn afterall.

"I lo-love you" he stammered, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Just I love you won't do! You have to say something more Joshuji, anything"

"I love you, You look really good in black hair" and jeonghan maintained his poker face. He turned around, now facing dk.

"Dokyeom You're so cute, Saranghae" he said, but it didn't work as well.

"No" he replied.

I hate this game!

He only has one option now.


"Baby wuvs you Jeongie, pwease smile for me?" He cringed so hard at himself, but jeonghan still looked unhinged.

"I love you honey! You know what you should do right?"

"Shua hyung is looking at me as if he's ready to kill me! This is cheating" Dk whined and the members told him that he was not allowed to threaten them.

"Fine!" He said and turned towards Jeonghan once again. He was really irritated by now. He got up and placed himself in Jeonghan's lap, straddling him and pulled him closer by his neck.

"I love you Jeonghan. Be mine!" He whispered, leaning even closer to him, their lips almost touching.

"I love you too" he replied, holding Joshua's waist.

He was trying his best to fight the urge to kiss Joshua right there and then!

"My turn's over!" He sighed in relief before returning back to his seat

"Aish hyung! That was so cheesy" Dk said before continuing the game.

Jeonghan felt somewhat relieved thinking that Joshua might have forgave him but he was ignored yet again, throughout the game.

They played some more game and everyone were drunk, except for woozi of course. Seungkwan went all out, cracking jokes and singing in his signature style. But every time he had a chance to pass the spotlight to Joshua, he made sure to do so. "Joshua-hyung, what do you think about this?" Seungkwan would ask, giving Joshua the floor.

The other members of Seventeen watched in amusement as Seungkwan continued to scheme. "Seungkwan, you're hogging all the attention" Vernon teased.

After the game, the other members couldn't complimented Seungkwan on his efforts. "You really pulled out all the stops to make Joshua shine," S.Coups said.

Seungkwan just shrugged. "He deserves it. We all do our best to support each other. That's what makes us a team."


"Look shuji, I know you must be really mad at me but please hear me out once. I didn't meant to hide it from you or do something like this....I wanted to tell you that I love-"

"What's going on between you two?" Joshua interrupted him, his voice sounding more strained than he intended.

Jeonghan pulled away from Scoups and turned to face Joshua. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you two dating now or something?" Joshua asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

"What? No we're not. What made you think that way?"

"Weren't you talking about keeping your relationship a secret?"

"No! We were not. It was about something else" Thank god Joshuji doesn't know about it! He thought.

"Are you sure?" Joshua looked over at him through his lashes.

"Obviously! If I'd be in a relationship then you'd be the first one to know, trust me"

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮 ♡Where stories live. Discover now