2) a risky mission

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My stomach rumbles with hunger as I tap my foot anxiously, waiting for Jeongguk. We arrived at the office (which was more of a warehouse) at 2.30 pm after Jeongguk explained the plan. It is almost 5 now. Jeongguk was taken into a room by CEO Changmin himself.

So the plan was, Jeongguk would have a meeting with the CEO while Hoseok was given the task of procuring the keys to the control room. My job was to shut down the power supply the moment Jeongguk copied whatever info we needed in a Pendrive. He would signal me to do so through an earpiece which I'm wearing right now. And so, here I am. Waiting for him to signal me.

Footsteps echo in the dim-lit basement. My hand immediately shoots toward my pocket, where the gun Jeongguk had given me is.

A tall and muscular man comes into my view. Oh fuck.

I raise the gun upwards. My hands start shaking terribly after I realize he's now running toward me. Before I can get my brain to function he grabs my wrist, tosses the gun out of my hand, and kicks me. In the crotch.

"Owww," I yelp in pain, knees crumbling. I fall down with a thud. Great job Taehyung! You literally had a gun and a weaponless man beat you up. He covers my mouth before I can yell, lifts me up, and dumps me behind a grill door. I manage to save my foot when he shuts the grill with tremendous speed. The man doesn't speak a word.

I had one job. One simple job. Jeongguk's gonna be disappointed. He'll probably punish me with more exercise. If I make it out alive.

The earpiece Jeongguk has given me is dead silent. He said that when I hear two beeps, I should cut off the power. Is there a way I can send a beep to him? I take the earpiece out and examine it. Nothing.

The door of the grill opens up with a loud screech making me drop the tiny earpiece. Before I can pick it up, Muscle Guy grabs me and starts dragging me toward the elevator. We go to the fifth floor. Blood is flowing out the corner of my mouth and his firm grip hurts on my wrist but I don't have the guts to utter a word. He drags me into a room and releases his grip with a jerk, making me fall down.


The familiar honey-like voice makes me look up. Jeongguk stares intensely at me. He is standing in front of the CEO. Changmin has a knife in his hand and there's not much gap between him and Jeongguk.

"You punk!" Changmin growls. I get up and start moving toward Jeongguk who then takes a step forward and covers me.

"Poor you," Jeongguk says to Changmin, with a venomous smile. "There's no point in killing me now." Before I can ask him what he means, it's too late. Changmin's knife is piercing through Jeongguk's collarbone area, just missing the heart by inches. The CEO then pushes him backward, making Jeongguk fall on me, and runs out of the room, Muscle Guy following him.

"Aah, the job is done." Jeongguk laughs before realizing that he's crushing me beneath him. "Oh sorry," He rolls to his side and sits down.

"Are you okay?" I squeak.

"Yeah, no biggie-"

"No stop!" It's too late. Jeongguk has pulled out the knife and now his blood is gushing out, staining his white shirt. His face scrunches up as he hisses in pain. "Ahhhh. What do we do now?" I grab his hand which is covered in blood now making him stand up with me.

"Hoseok's waiting outside right?"

"Yeah," He replies as we hurry out of the room. "Aahhh, this hurts. Where are you-" I quickly run into the nearest bathroom and grab a towel.

"Here," I hand it to him. "Unbutton your shirt."

"Excuse me-"

"Quick." I snap at him. He unbuttons his shirt slowly.

"This will prevent you from losing blood," I explain as I fold the towel and place it over the wound on his bare shoulder. He nods.

When we finally reach the main entrance of the building, Hoseok is waiting for us in a car.

"Whoa, what happ-"

"We need to get out of here," I say, opening the door. Hoseok nods and starts the car the minute I get in. My heart is thumping loudly. What in the actual world was Jeongguk doing?

"I don't know what info we needed, why the CEO was looking so scared, and why he stabbed you, but are you fucking crazy!?" I try to slow down my breaths, taking out the first-aid box from under the seat. "You just asked me to stay near the generator and told me nothing else." Jeongguk helps me unbutton his shirt, taking off the blood-soaked towel from the wound. "And why did that muscle guy get me over there-" Jeongguk squeals in pain when I try to disinfect the huge gash. I look up at him and my stomach does a weird flip when I find his dark eyes fixed on me. "I- I'm sorry-"

Good heavens. Why did I speak like that to him? He's supposed to be my boss. Oh no.

"Taehyung, please be gentle, I know you're confused," Jeongguk starts. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have bought you two here so soon and I should've given you more details and a backup plan." I gulp and simply nod. A bead of sweat rolls down my forehead as I try to re-center my thoughts and prevent my hands from shaking.

I dress his wound completely and he puts his shirt back on, we drive back to our base in silence.

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now