26) the big fight

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"Long time no see," Gyeong Changmin says, annoyance flashing in his eyes. I take a step back and steady myself. Wow. I looking forward to making out with Jeongguk here but this guy. Why does he have to ruin everything?

"Why are you here?" I slowly move backward, where a mop is kept leaning against a wall. My eyes are fully focused on Changmin. A smash on the head with that mop would hurt.

"Oh do you really wanna know?" He asks with a devilish grin. "Well, I'm here for a really special surprise. Do you like blasts?" His hand goes into his back pocket. Oh fuck. He pulls out a gun.

Without wasting a second, I grab the mop and hold it horizontally. I run towards Changmin, pressing him to the door of a cubicle. He kicks me with his knees, making me shout out in pain but I clutch the mop and press harder.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask angrily. I squeeze his neck between my forearm and the door while my other hand fumbles and makes the gun drop out of his hand. Just as I'm about to kick the gun into a corner of the washroom, Changmin stabs me with something sharp into the left side of my stomach.

I scream in pain, my hold on him loosening. I place me left hand on my thigh, bending. My other hand travels to my side. I squeeze my shut when I hear Changmin's laughter ringing in my ears. Blood seeps out of my side, spreading on my white shirt and getting on my hand.

"Aaarrgh!" I howl and pounce on Changmin, startling him. Blood from my hand gets on his face and I feel like puking. But I grab his neck and open the door of a cubicle, getting a few more kicks from him in the process. I shove him inside and slam the door shut.

"You bastard!" Changmin shouts from inside as he tries to push the door open. I put all my strenght in, and prevent him opening it. My back pressed to the door, I slide down onto the floor. Changmin keeps kicking the door from inside and shouting, but I guess I've a bit more powerful from an year of military training.

After some time, Changmin stops trying to open the door. I sit still on the cold floor, frozen from pain. Jeongguk will be here, It's okay.

"I'm in the second floor washroom...." I hear Changmin mutter. Is he calling someone? "Yeah yeah....turn right and then you'll-"

"Yah Changmin-ah!" I cut him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I muster every last piece of my strength to make my voice sound fearless. He doesn't answer.

Seconds later, I hear the door swing open and I smile, thinking Jeongguk is here. But when I lift my head to see, I find four guys all dressed in black. Their faces are covered with black cloth.

I'm dead meat.

The first guy grabs my collar, making me forcefully get up and starts punching my face. The second guy pulls the door open and gets Changmin out. I taste my own blood in my mouth when the man presses me against something and mercilessly bangs in fists on my jaw.

My legs feel weak but I still try to resist him and try to kick. But it's all for nothing. The third man comes and grabs my collar, throwing me down on the floor. Just as my head hits the floor with a thud, the man kicks me. I lie on the floor, shaking and getting kicked everywhere by the four guys. Every single bone in my body hurts.

I shut my eyes and scream out, hoping someone would hear and come. Hugging my knees, I try to shield the side of my stomach, from where blood still oozes out. "Jeongguk," I squeak out a few times.

They stop kicking me after some time when I stop shouting. My body feels lifeless. I see the shoes of Changmin and his people when I turn to my side, folding my body. But then I let my eyes shut. Changmin speaks to them in a hushed voice.

"...nobody's gonna come inside the building now. They're all attending the program. Now it's time we..." Suddenly, the thud of footsteps drown Changmin's voice. The sound gets louder and louder. I don't even have the energy to open my eyes and see who it is.

"Tae-" A new voice calls out. The footsteps come to stop. "What the fuck are you doing here?" The familiar honey-like voice is filled with anger. "Taehyung?" I feel Jeongguk's hand on my shoulder and open my eyes. "Oh my god, you- Tae, are you- can you move?"

I give him the slightest nod. Jeongguk helps me get up, snaking his arm around my waist. I manage to sit down, my back leaning on the door of a cubicle.

Jeongguk gets up and goes to Changmin. Some exchange of words happen between them but I can't hear properly. It's just a mix of multiple raised voices. A black lump of something falls beside me. Probably Jeongguk's blazer. I then hear some thuds and yelps.

Only if I hadn't skipped breakfast today, I would've had more energy to fight. My hands are shaking and my back hurts like hell. In front of me, I see a blurry mess of fists and kicks and blood.

An idea occurs to me when I hear a painful growl coming out of Jeongguk's mouth. With my shaky hands I search for my phone in my pocket. There are a few cracks on the screen. I open my contacts and call Chris. The phone rings, but no one picks it up. With my shaky fingers, I search for Jin's contact and try calling him.

"Yah Taehyung-"

"Hyung, second floor washroom," I stutter. "Changmin....come quickly." I manage to say before my phone slips out of my hand. I rest my head on the door and close my eyes. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

The stab in my stomach stings. My sides are throbbing from being kicked. My mouth tastes like blood. I feel dizzy.

I hear the door open and a clatter of footsteps. A few officers rush inside and start handcuffing Changmin and his people.

"Tae," I hear Jeongguk call out. I open my eyes to find him kneeling down beside me. Through my blurry vision, I see a few cuts on his face when he leans in closer. He wraps his hands around me carefully. My head falls on his shoulder as I grab a fistful of his white shirt.

"It's okay," Jeongguk whispers multiple times, stroking my back and then my hair. The final bit of energy drains from me and my eyes fall shut. The rhythmic thumping of Jeongguk's heartbeat is the last thing I feel before everything goes black.

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now