10) fireworks

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"Oh my god, it's freezing over here." Jeongguk comes in, his hands hugging his sides. "How on earth do you sleep here?"

When we arrived at the camp, no one was there. Jeongguk said that the other officers were either on a leave or posted somewhere else for the time being. Even the cook left us with cans of soup, kimchi, and some more food items for four-five days. "Someone needs to be there," Jeongguk had said on our drive back. Now it was just the empty dining area, four tents out of which only one was occupied by us, and the barrack.

"Well it wasn't this cold, but we're used to it now," I say, putting on my boots. "Should we go for dinner? I'm starving." Hoseok hums in agreement.

"Yeah we'll have dinner but we need to do something here...you people don't even have an electric socket here, or else we could've plugged in an electric heater,"

"Whoa... you have a heater?" Hoseok's eyes widen.

"Mhm," Jeongguk's deep in thought while he cracks his fingers. "Are you guys okay with sleeping on the floor, with a mattress of course? It's a lot warmer inside my room with the heater."

"Uh...sounds great!" Hoseok's face lights up.

"Are you fine with us sleeping there, Jeongguk?"

"Yeah, why would I not be? As long as you two don't murder me at night." He laughs. "Keep your bags and stuff ready,"

"Okay then...dinner now please."

"Yep, let's go."


"Ten, nine, eight," We are seated on Jeongguk's bed, counting down for the new year like silly teenagers. "Seven, six, five," I notice something from the corner of my eye and immediately get up and go near the window. "Four, three, two, one."

"Look, fireworks-" Stupid me. Who would burst crackers on the new year on the border of the country? One of the most sensitive areas.

Light fills up the surrounding with a loud boom, sending me flying backward. The sickly smell of burnt fabric and wood fills up my lungs as I hit the back of my head on something. My ears are ringing and my side hurts. Everything is a blur when I open my eyes. I see Hoseok's figure hunched over me, his lips are moving but I can't hear anything. The back of my head hurts like someone has cracked my skull open. I blink a few times before my eyes can focus properly. My chin won't stop quivering from the shock. Hoseok helps me sit up, leaning on the dresser behind me on which I hit my head. There's smoke outside the window where Jeongguk is standing now. I watch him punch the wall as Hoseok frantically shakes me.

I can't hear you, I try to say, but the words don't leave my mouth. My hand flies back toward the place I got hit and I let out a relieved sigh when I don't feel anything wet there. Phew, at least my head didn't crack open. Hoseok notices and squeezes my shoulder, saying something to Jeongguk.

"...come here, QUICK!" My ears slowly start coming back to my senses. I see a huge frown on Jeongguk's face when he turns around.

"This can't happen, no....no" He mumbles, getting down beside Hoseok to get a better look at me. "Taehyung-ah can you hear me?" He gently asks, grabbing my arm.

"Hmm," I hum, pressing my hands on the place I got hit. I shut my eyes and rest my head.

"Ugh! We don't even have ice," Jeongguk hits the wall again.

"Ice! There is ice-" Hoseok gets up and runs out.

"Hoseok, COME BACK! We don't know what's happening outside-"

"Stay with him, I'm getting ice." With that, he disappears.

"Hold on Tae," Jeongguk leans forward, pressing and rubbing his hands on the back of my head. I let him come closer and bury my face into the warmth of his jacket, resting my face on his chest. I can feel his heart hammer through all the layers of clothes as he holds me.

"Taehyung-ah," He says after a minute or so. I hum in response. "Can you get up, the floor is cold." I grasp his arm and he helps me up. The moment I hold my head up, the throbbing pain returns, and my surroundings swivel.

"Hey- hey, careful." Jeongguk grabs my waist when I stumble and makes me sit on his bed. I shift backward and rest my head on the pillow Jeongguk adjusts for me.

"Here, I got ice," I open my eyes to see Hoseok coming in with snow in his bare hands. He quickly comes beside me and holds the snow on the spot I got hit.

"Is there a fire outside Hoseok?" Jeongguk asks.

"There is, but no chance of spreading 'cause of the snow."

"Okay, good." Jeongguk sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I'll just inform the headquarters about this. Hoseok, stay with Taehyung. Do not go outside 'till I return."

"Hey but what if the attackers are still outside? It's not safe-"

"The bombs fell from above, there's no one outside."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know who did this." Those are the last words I hear before I fall asleep.


who do you think attacked them? feel free to comment your theories <3

and in case nobody told you, you're doing really great!! fightingg!!

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now