16) good luck

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"You done with the meeting?" I ask, when Jeongguk comes and sits beside me, sighing. I'm sitting on the bench outside the headquarters. It's cold but I don't wanna go back inside.

"Mhm," He runs his hand through his face and places them on his lap. "I'm leaving tomorrow."

I look at him. "What? This is ridiculous! You need rest, Jeongguk. How does he not understand what all we've been through at Cheorwan?" My brows furrow.

"This isn't a hospital, Taehyung," He laughs. "They don't wait for your wounds to heal. They send you to new places and you end up getting wounded again. That's how it works here." He shrugs.

"I hate this so much," I whisper.

The both of us don't speak for the next few minutes, staring at the main gate and the highway in front of it. Well obviously. There's supposed to be awkwardness after what Jeongguk confessed. God, we'll need to talk about it. Someday. Sometime.

"Can I ask you something?" He says. I feel his eyes on me.

"You already did," I give him a goofy grin.

"No, not that joke again-"

"Okay, okay."

"Ji-Woo.... tell me more about her,"

"Umm, tell you as in how we met and stuff?" He nods.

"We went to the same kindergarten and even our parents have been good friends. And like, she was the only one who used to talk to me at school. I was stupid and introverted. But she helped me, spent time with me. When we were in sixth grade, her dad got transferred to Australia and they had to go." I sigh at that memory. Jeongguk listens quietly, fiddling with his jacket zipper. "And after she was gone, I was alone. I did make some friends, but like none of them were... you know.... very genuine." He nods. "Thankfully we kept in touch all the time...and yeah, we're pretty close even though she lives on another continent." We laugh.

"Hey wait-" I say, suddenly realizing why Jeongguk is asking me about Ji-Woo. "She's just a friend. So don't worry, you don't have any competition right now." I regret saying it immediately but I like the fact that he goes speechless.

"So... you're saying... you might like me back?" He says, while avoiding my eyes.

"No! I never said that" I say, my back straightening. Jeongguk's shoulders deflate. Uh-oh, that came out a bit harsh.

"Look I can't say anything right now...I- I have to think about it,"

"Yeah yeah of course," He nods. Jeongguk folds his hands, sighing, a puff of white vapor coming out of his mouth. "Let's change the topic." He finally says.

"Yes okay. We'll play a game, you know...to get to know each other a bit more?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows.


"One thing you can't live without. Do NOT say oxygen."

"Umm...music." He says, grinning proudly. "You?"

"Yeontan," I say, chuckling.

"God, you're head over heels for that puppy, I wanna meet him now." Jeongguk nudges my side lightly.

"Yes! We can go when we're off-duty," I say, excitement glimmering in my eyes.

"Well, just so you know. You won't be getting a break for like four-five months, so prepare yourself," He warns. I pucker out my lips, pouting sadly.

"What's your worst fear?" Jeongguk asks.

"People getting to know what's going on in my brain," I say.

"Now that's something unique," Jeongguk says. "I'm scared of microwaves."

"What in the WORLD-" I clutch my stomach, laughing hard and trying not to fall off the bench. Wait, I shouldn't be laughing. Jeongguk's already insecure about his weaknesses. I try to calm down. But. Microwaves!? I burst into a fit of laughter again.

"H-hey, I'm not judging you, don't worry. But the fact that you handle guns like they're toys and you're scared of microwaves! Why microwaves though?"

"They look monstrous, Taehyung. Black, boxy, and the gwrm sound they make. It's scary." He explains and I hum, finally putting an end to my laughs. "Hey, should we go for dinner, so we don't have to microwave the food if we're late." He chuckles.

"Yeah, we should get going," I say, but when he gets up I grab his wrist, pulling him back on the bench. "Be careful Gguk," He looks surprised by the sudden gesture. He looks at our hands and then up at me. Our eyes lock. "I've seen you make stupid and harsh decisions. Be careful." He just nods in response, his Adam's apple bobbing.

"And when you return, we'll sit and talk about our feelings and sort everything out okay?" I add. At that, he smiles, his bunny teeth peeping out of the gap in his lips.

"Yeah. Yeah sure, yes!"

"Let's go for dinner then,"

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now