23) away

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I rest my head on the cool glass of my train window. The songs which Jeongguk and I downloaded yesterday play through my earphones. I just wish I had someone to share one chord of my earphones with.

This time, Hoseok wasn't coming with me. Jeongguk tried his best to cheer me up yesterday night by telling me how Gwangju had the safest HQ. But my mind couldn't process anything after our kiss. It was like I had entered this realm of dreams. I don't how it feels to be high but I think the dopamine levels in my body were sky rocketing. I was smiling like an idiot.

Even now as I think of him, I can't help but giggle like a kid. Like damn! I kissed Jeongguk and I was falling harder and harder for him as every second passed.

Yesterday night, we didn't stop talking until like 3am, until I dozed off beside him on that small hospital bed. "Tae," He whispered in my ear today morning. "Wake up, love. You'll be late for your train," His morning voice was so soft and breathy, unlike the voice he used to shout out commands to troops. His hand was submerged between the locks of my hair when I opened my eyes and lifted my head up from his chest. Then he gently kissed my forehead, giving me butterflies. I never thought forehead kisses could be soo sexy.

The train starts moving, resurfacing me. I'm gonna be away from him, I think, a frown forming on my face. I look at my hand for a long time. My hand which Jeongguk had held. Sometimes protectively, sometimes in search of comfort.

I scour through the tiny screen of the mp3 player and look for a band called The Vamps. After spending quite some time scrolling down, I finally find a song named Somebody To You by them. Folding my arms across my chest, I shut my eyes as the song starts. It has a nice and upbeat tune but what catches my attention are the lyrics.

"Now I spend my time,

Thinking bout a way to get you off my mind."

Ah, Jeongguk and his cheesy songs with cheesy lyrics, I think, smiling with my eyes closed.

"All I wanna be yeah,

All I ever wanna be is

Is somebody to you."

The words wrap around my heart and keep it warm.


I yawn and open my eyes when the train halts. Nobody comes to pick me up as Jeongguk did in Cheorwan. Instead, I am sent the address of the HQ. It takes no time to book a cab.

A wave of anxiety and loneliness hits me when I freeze at the entrance of the HQ. It's huge. And I'm gonna spend my next few months here with people I don't know. Fantastic!

I walk in, after showing my ID to the guards outside. There's a huge volleyball court to my left and a goddamn swimming pool to my right. The main HQ office stands tall and mighty in the center. A few guys are jogging on the running track around the perimeter of the building. Man, this place looks no less than a resort.

After gawking at the green and lively bunches of trees I finally head inside the gates and-

"Watch where you're going man!"

Amazing. I have already bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry," I mumble and kneel down to help the man pick up the papers he has dropped. He has broad shoulders and a...chunky face? Yeah. But he's short.

"Never seen you here before," He says, eyeing me. I hand him the last file and we get up.

"Yeah. I actually got transferred from Cheorwan today. I'm Kim Taehyung." I bring my hand forward, expecting him to shake it. But he doesn't.

"Oh, so you're him. My name's Chris Bang. I'll be your commanding officer. Go to the first floor, you'll find an officer named Kai there. He'll show you your quarters and everything." Officer Chris says. He has an Australian accent.

"Umm, okay. Thank you officer," But before I complete, Chris stomps off, scanning the papers in his hands.

I sigh. This is gonna be hard.

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now