Chapter 2- ❁You again?❁

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A couple of minutes have passed and all of the audience has left to go home or do something I guess, for all I know, they could be working for the government, committing mass murder, causing tax evasion, or neglecting their family. We don't know what the audience does, but we don't really care since it's none of our business, literally, we're obliged to not partake in any of their business or our business will get crumbled.

Pear started to walk towards the exit, grumbling and muttering swears, "That goddamn banana, what does he know about humor?" he scoffed, as he was about to leave the building, he noticed someone familiar.

It was the dancing banana, he was just standing there, practicing voice lines, "Welcome to Shovelware's brain game! No, that sounds like the announcer... It's time for another round of Shovelware's brain game! Ok, that's much better" he pretended to hold a microphone, Pear stared for a few seconds until he realizes Banana realized that he was staring at him.

"Oh hey there, he waved giddily, "You're the one who wanted a refund right," he walked towards him, "What's your name again?" he put his hand up front, waiting for a shake, "Oh uh, I'm Pear... You already know that dumbass..." he shook his hand back, once they kept their hands to themselves, Pear decided it would be a good time to complain.

"I have a complaint." he said seriously, "Oh ok," Banana said coolly, in contrast to Pear's serious tone, "Your show is unfunny and not captivating, I didn't even learn anything new!" he said with his arm on his hips, "Well, maybe the show isn't for you, besides, I see you in the crowd often, if you didn't enjoy this show, you wouldn't be seeing the show over and over, no?" Banana slyly remarked, Pear turned his head away embarrassingly, "Oh shut up! I'm only returning to see your show to see if your humor improves..."

"Oh really, was that the thing that was 'bigger' than a refund." banana smirked, and Pear's face started to turn red, "No it isn't!" he growled, "So, what is it then?" the Banana said with a sinister smile, Pear's blush started to cover most off his face(?), "I-it's nothing!" he folded his arms angrily, "Oh really?" "Shut up!"

"Well you look quite flustered~" he teased, "Can you just shut up?!" Pear said as he covered his face, trying to hide his embarrassment, "Alright, alright, well, goodnight Pear, see you tomorrow~" the banana said with his same goofy smile, he continued to walk down the street, leaving Pear speechless and red.

"Goddammit, I hate that banana...." he walked towards the opposite street, trekking through the black coated streets, adorned with gleaming streetlights to bring light to the darkness, whilst the rest is covered in shadows, Pear felt nothing while he was walking down the rock hard path, he felt nothing but a warm feeling, a feeling he wishes he could ignore, but can't ignore, the feeling that urges him to keep on coming back, if he could get rid of the feeling, he obsoletely would, but he can't, all because of that banana.



I know this chapter sucks and stuff, I'm really tired and I want to sleep, I swear I'm not legally obligated to write this, I swear, I don't work for Shovelware Studios, I would neverrr.....what is it bob? I can't say that? What do you mean I can't write this and write the conversation we're having? Oh shut up Bob!


❁Fruitbowl❁ (Dancing banana x Pear) Shovelware's Brain gameWhere stories live. Discover now