Chapter 9- ❁Don't worry, I'm looking❁

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The round was about to end, but soon, there were still many questions to go through and the contestants were losing their minds, moondarkfox was banging her head on the podium, the guy with sunglasses and a Roblox shirt kept on shouting their answers whenever Boardy came, the guy with black hair and mascara running down his face was singing an edgy song made in 2017, the girl with blonde hair was covering her ears to cover the ungodly noise, while Y/n was in agonizing pain from all of the shit happening.

Pear's eyes were drooping, he couldn't take this insanity, even as a person who visits almost all of their show, it was horrified to be there so up close, How does Peel deal with all of this? God, that kid needs therapy, I'm genuinely concerned for the contestants and audience, how did I even get through this hellhole?!  Before Pear could go insane from his thoughts, his focus snapped back to the show, with his gaze pointing directly at D.B.

The dancing banana turned around and winked at Pear, slowly making one of his hands into a hole while the other went through it over and over, wait.... did he just make an inappropriate joke? Well, works for me, hopefully, Fish Ice Cream won't see this (I see this, but I don't know what it means, what does it mean?)

Pear's blush grew even bigger, he didn't even realize he was blushing the entire show! Every time he fixed his gaze on Banana, he could feel his face get redder and redder, he was almost as red as his cousin Apple, who was on the ground, being helped up by some Broccoli dude. 

Pear felt like he had butterflies in his stomach, slowly realizing that the reason he hasn't gone insane like the others was because of him, the reason he didn't give up was him, the reason he chose this job was him, the reason he paid for merch was him, the reason he kept on coming back to see the show was him. While he thought of how annoying D.B. was, deep down he knew, it was just some excuse to hide the fact he absolutely adored him. 

Before he could slap himself out of his embarrassing state, a loud but deep voice echoed from the audience, "BOO BOOOOO!", the dancing banana freeze and stared at the top row, it was Cantaloupe, a former war veteran and former criminal, jeez dude, pick a side.

Banana walked to the middle of the set and stared at him, waiting for something to happen, "This isn't how we did it back them!" the roughed up melon said as he pounced towards Banana, he grabbed him and started climbing up the studio, then climbing up a cyan teal ladder.

Once Cantaloupe climbed up to the very top, he chuckled loudly, while he was laughing like a monkey (Donkey Kong reference?!), Banana, who was placed on the highest peak, called out, "Yooo! Can some one save me? Pretty please???" He waved around sarcastically, usually, when stuff like this happens, Peel would usually rescue his uncle, but Peel was sick.

Banana stared at Pear and winked at him, then, he started to do his signature dance, with his arms moving back and forth, mimicking the movement of his legs, which were also moving back and forth, and to top it of, his giddy smile seemingly stuck on his face most of the time.

Pear glanced at the audience who was seemingly gesturing him with their eyes, telling him to save him, since he's taken Peels place, Pear flinched in shock, What?! Me? A highly individual, doing dirty ladder jumping? To save a rubbish show host? Absolutely no way!

Pear looked at D.B and then back at the audience, it seemed like he had no choice but to save him, so he took a deep breath and hesitatingly got up the stage, placing the clipboard in a safe place. Once he was on the stage, he looked upon the high ladders, he saw Cantaloupe loom over him, and to add up to his pressure, the green melon had red barrels next to him, waiting to be dropped.

He felt and overwhelming amount of pressure befalling him, he knew Banana could save himself at anytime, but he didn't, he was waiting for Pear to save him, Pear knew that he could refuse anytime, but here he is, about to save someone he considered as an arch-nemesis.

As he was about to step away from the stage, he glanced at Banana one more time, who was gazing straight into him, he felt a surge of energy go through him, no not that type (what type?), if D.B. hade hope in him, he had hope in himself, even though he probably does have hope in himself most of the time, dawg how do you still survive after saying a popular show is trash? This isn't twitter!

Pear took a deep breath and started climbing on top of the stage, it was hard, nice he had nubs for hands and there was barely anything to grab on to, while he was attempting to climb up the stage, his legs started to slip, causing him to fall, but somehow, in the nick of time, the guy with sunglasses and a Roblox shirt grabbed Boardy, who has been watching from the sidelines, and used him as a stepping stool for Pear to well, step on.

Moondarkfox just looked at the chaos dumbfoundingly as she took a photo of the situation and sent it to twitter, causing an uproar on the media (great meme potential). Once Pear finished climbing up the stage, he rushed towards the ladders and started climbing them, step by step.

Soon enough, Cantaloupe started rolling barrels down the platforms, each of them causing a large thudding sound that really got into Pear's nerves, while everything was happening, the announcer was making cool sound effects, "BOOM!" "DOOM!" "FWOOM!", which wasn't helping Pear at the slightest.

Pear inhaled and started jumping over the barrels, one by one, rushing through the platforms while being chased by ketchup red barrels, also collecting Bananas microphone. After he began to get comfortable with having barrels to dodge, his nerves started to cool down, being replaced with his usual confidence.

His frown slowly turned into a smirk, with D.B's microphone in his nubs, this time, he was kicking barrels away as Cantaloupe frantically dropped some more, but with his new found confidence, the barrels couldn't stop him from saving the infamous host (or so he calls). 

Finally, once he climbed up the last ladder, he stood there confidently with Bananas microphone, "OK, now it's time for me to get you out...wait, is that glue?" he said as he looked at D.B's feet, "Uh yeah, this big ol' melon actually glued my feet to the ground so I can't escape on my own, LOL." Banana said jokingly, Pear groaned and tried pulling him out, but the glue was to strong.

"Hah! I'd like to see you try rescue your boyfriend!" Cantaloupe laughed deeply, Pear's already blush covered face got even redder, caused by Cantaloupe calling him 'Banana's boyfriend.' and also the fact he glued Banana to the platform.

Pear furiously shook Banana as an attempt to break him out of the glue, after minutes of angry shaking, "Hey, I have an idea, what if you hugged me and use all of your strength to pull me out of the glue?" he said smugly, Pear gushed but reluctantly agrees, for all he knows, it could work.

Pear wrapped his arms around Banana and pulled him with full force, causing Banana's feet to unstick on the ground, "Thanks~" "Oh shut up." 

Suddenly, Pear grabbed Banana and caressed him on his arms, carrying him bridal style, causing the yellow show host to be flustered. Pear jumped down the platforms, carrying Banana as the wind flows through his leaf. 

While our green self-proclaimed critic was dropping towards the stage, Banana whispered lightly.

"Love you (with homo this time)."


Hi guys! Sorry for the late release, anyways, the end is near! For the book I mean, not for the world, I hope. I can't believe that this insane book is going to be over, thank you for your overwhelming amount of support, I appreciate it A LOT

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you I hope you're ready, because things are going to start acting up, I want you to take care of them, since I can't keep on invading this girl's stupid book about a pear and banana falling in love, why are you even reading this? You could be reading Moby dick or The Lord of the flies! Yet you chose to read this?

Anyways, I'm not going to question your strange tastes anymore, moving on, please take good care of them, I don't want them to escape, not when I haven't found the rest of them.

Sorry for the late update, while you're at it, please check out my other fanfics, like my 'Book of stuff' book, anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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