|° Lore & Character appearance °|

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So this chapter will explain my lore and how my characters look like! Hope you injoy my future content! Have a great and amazing day lovelys!

Dream team lore,
The Dream team in my AU contains
Dream, Sapnap, George, and Quackity. Quackity isn't a dickhead here yet still kinda him so he is still really choatic but the Dream team is always choatic haha! They are all amazing friends and help out each other when they need the help! Dream and Quackity have been friends since they were 3 since Sam and Quackitys parents were good friends before Quackitys parents went missing.. Sapnap and George were friends with Dream since Kindergarned which I don't remember how long ago that was, Quackity was introduced to Sapnap and George when Dream was having a sleepover with everyone on his 5th birthday which Sam organized and Puffy didn't help out at all since she was always at seas and Sam was always taking care of Dream, Foolish, and Drista. Quackity has always been by Dream's side no matter what happened same with Sapnap and George so once Sapnap and George told Dream and Quackity they were dating both Quackity and Dream were like 6 year Olds on Christmas day. No matter what happens the Dream team does it together and gets through it! They will always be amazing friends! And soon enough Dream and Quackity will be brothers-in-law.

WasTaken family lore,
The wasTaken family consists of Foolish, Drista, Dream, and Puffy. Sam was Dream's babysitter but ended up babysitting all three of the WasTaken children because Puffy was never there to help out and was with her crew all the fucking time. Sam would treat the WasTaken kids as his own which is why Dream and Drista call Sam dad. Ponk knows this so hearing Dream call Sam dad doesn't bother him ever but it did when he first heard it but he's good with it now! Puffy didn't even raise the three kids, Sam did. Puffy was to busy with her crew to care about her Kid's.
Sam was always the one to take care and help the three kids with EVERYTHING. Puffy was and is nothing to her three kids now.

Main lore,
The main lore of this AU is that none of the extremely bad stuff happened other then Dream being in prison but he was only there for 5 years... Sam was the only one helping Dream in the prison but Quackity, Sapnap, and George always visited Dream but when they were there, there was always a child.. around 5 at the time Dream got our of prison. Dream only told then about the child on his birthday of the 3rd year in the prison. The child that was with Dream was his, the child's name was Kaiju and look like Techno but was a Ender dragon like his father Dream. Techno would visit Dream every Wednesday but one wednesday Techno didn't show which made Dream extremely worried but Sam reashering him that Techno was fine just busy ad plaining something for when Dream got out of prison. No one knows what Kaiju really is and some are scared of the child but some love the child. Dream is one of the most protective of Kaiju since Dream did have Kaiju in the prison with him. Dream will NEVER let anyone hurt Kaiju.

New-gen WasTaken family,
The new-generation of the WasTaken family is Dream's kids who are Ranboo and Kaiju. Ranboo, a enderman was born in the end and no one knows who's Ranboos other parent because Dream is his only parent but no one other then Quackity, Sapnap, and George know this. Kaiju is the newest Ender Dragon of the SMP and will take the throne when he is old enough since Dream was the god and king of the end. Ranboo was originally going to take the throne but when Dream asked Ranboo if he wanted to Ranboo said no, because he wanted to stay with his friends and his family. Dream understood this and didn't ask again. Kaiju when asked since Dream asked when Kaiju could speak English which was when he was 2, Dream knew Kaiju was a smart kid just didn't know that Kaiju would be a better ruler then the first ruler of the end, Kaiju said he wanted to be the new ruler when he wanted mean Kaiju would be givin the revival book once he was 18. Only Quackity knows who Kaijus other parent is which his other parent is Technoblade. Sam knows this and never took Kaiju away from Dream since Kaiju was so young but didn't need to be in the prison so Sam would buy and give toys to Kaiju so he would have something to do instead of being bored, Kaiju also likes to write in the books that Sam gave to Dream for something to do and Kaiju would draw and write in the books and Dream always seemed to be happy seeing Kaiju being fill of energy and happiness even though he was stuck in a prison cell. Dream was supposed to be in prison for like but since he had Kaiju his sentences was reduced to 5 years. Dream now runs free in the world but remains in the house of Technoblade Minecraft.

Phil is also a fucking dick! He also is kinda homo-phobic but is mostly supporting but not to Tommy for some reason.. bye bye now!

Character appearances will be put at the top of the story in this order hopfully!!!!


Ranboo, Tubbo, Micheal










Kana <- Aboptes by phil


This shit took to long! Non of the art is mine btw! I only used gacha because I didn't have anything to use for Alex and Kaiju!! Hope you injoy and have a great day/night lovelys!
Words: 992

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