|°Chapter seven, a walk? °|

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Dream and Kaiju were heading back to Techno's house since they went and visited Foolish since Kaiju wanted to see his uncle again, Dream was plaining to vist Drista soon as it has been a few years since they have seen each other as Drista never visited Dream while he was the prison as Drista was taking care of the End for Dream. "Hey dad..?" Kaiju said in a very low tone which brought Dream out of his own throughts. "Yes Kaiju?" Dream said as he bent down to be at Kaijus level and saw that Kaiju looked scared. "There's someone following us..." Kaiju said as he looked right at the person following them which Dream could see them now.. "Alright, do you want to continue walking home or do you just want to teleport home?" Dream asked at Kaiju looked even more fritened then before as the person following them was getting closer... "Home now please..." Kaiju said in a small studder then before he knew it the two were already back at Techno's house which Techno was busy makeing food as it was dinner time and Techno got bored of reading.

"I thought you would take longer to get home, what happened?" Techno said as he heard the other two walk around a bit as they both sat down at the dinner table. "Someone was following us and it spooked Kaiju." Dream said as he pat Kaiju's head to calm him down a bit. "What kind of idiot would follow you two home? That's not the smartest as they should have seen it was you Dream." Techno said as he had just finished up food and was not putting everything on three plates then proceeded to hand Kaiju and Dream two plates than sat down with his own plate. They all talked while finishing up dinner which took a hour because Kaiju LOVEESSS talking. Once everyone was done eating Techno cleaned up everything as that's just what he would do after dinner (I want to make a comment but that would probably make yall kill me.) Dream got Kaiju ready for bed which Kaiju didn't want to but fell asleep after a good 2 minutes of laying there. Then Dream proceeded to fall face first onto his and Techno's bed.

"You good? You seem either annoyed or tired." Techno said while just walking into the room. "Both I'm to tired for this and just want to sleep but I know my body won't let meee" Dream said in a annoyed tone yet sounds like a grumpy child that you just woke up. "Not my problem then." Techno said as he got changed into pajamas, Dream didn't give any shit and just stayed in what he was wearing since he was to tired to change, oh well. "But technically I am your problem!" Dream said as Techno had to hole him over to one side of the bed since SOMEONE was taking up the hole bed like a asshole. "Your not wrong, but shut up and sleep. I would like more then 4 hours of sleep for once thank you very much" Techno said as he soon fell asleep after words. "Damanding much." Dream said as he cuddled up to Techno and soon fell asleep after..

Injoy the cliff hanger, I lost motivation and yall finally got a actual story update. Sorry for the very short story as they are normally longer then this but I chose a new style I think I will stick with! Instead of it all being in one giant paragraph it's in small paragraphs so it will be easier to read later on!

Like always have a great day/night/evening to you all lovelys and I hope if it is night you have a wonderful that when you wake up! Byee! Seen you in like a week because my motivation went from 100 to 0 real fast .n.

Word's: 657

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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