|° Chapter one, welcome back Dream °|

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Dream was sitting in his cell watching Kaiju play with his stuffed enderman until the lava went down, Quackity and Sam were on the other side, Quackity started walking to the cell as the platform moved. Once over to the cell the lava went down and Dream had a smile on his face since his childhood bestfriend was infront of him also eith a smile on his face. "Hey Dream! Hello Kaiju! How have you two been?" Quackity asked like he normally did when he visited Dream. "We've been alright, Kaiju is injoying his stuffed enderman Dad bought him not to long ago."
Dream said with a very soft smile on his face. Quackity sat down next to Dream and Kaiju ran to Quackity and hugged him since Quackity was Kaiju's godfather.
"Haha! Hello Quackity!!" Kaiju said with some struggle since he wasn't the best at English but was good enough to the point people understood him. "Hello Kaiju! You injoying yourself?" Quackity asked the small child who was still hugging his side "Mhm! I missed you!" Kaiju said with a massive smile on his face
"Aww I missed you too Kaiju" Quackity said with a light smile on his face. "Kaiju injoys seeing you Quackity." Dream said looking at the two infront of him "I can tell, also Sam is letting you out of the prison in 3 hours! I was let in to help pack Kaiju's toys and grab some of your stuff and books." Quackity said with a smile with Kaijus head laying in his lap as Kaiju was kinda tired and was holding his stuffed enderman tightly. "Really!?!" Dream said extremely happy since Kaiju would finally see the outside world. As soon as that was told about 10 minutes layer both Dream and Quackity started packing things up in a enderchest that Quackity had brought for Dream, most of the things that needed to be packed was Kaiju's toys and some of the books that Kaiju had drawn in or wrote in plus some books Dream was writing in. "And done!" Quackity said as he handed Dream the last book that was needed to be brought with. It took 2 and a half hours to pack everything up. The lava had gone down, both Quackity and Dream walked over to the platform. Dream motioned for Kaiju to come close and Dream picked him up. They walked to the other side of the lava and Sam looked happy that he was able to hug Dream and Kaiju again. "You two ready?" Sam said after releasing Dream and Kaiju from the hug. "Mhm, I cant wait for Kaiju to see the outside world.." Dream said with a light smile. "Techno is waiting for you outside Dream" Sam said as he leaded Dream, Kaiju, and Quackity out of the prison. Dream grabed his stuff that he had in a chest and walked through the portal. Dream was greeted by a hug from Techno once he was out of the prison. "Techno! How have you been?" Dream asked putting Kaiju down. "I've been alright, as soon as Sam told me you were getting out I ran to the prison so" Techno said with a smile and Techno was tackled by Kaiju. "Hey bud, how have you been?" Techno asked Kaiju. "I've been great papa! Look at what grandpa got me!" Kaiju said as he showed Techno the stuffed enderman. "That cool Kaiju, now let's get home shall we?" Techno would say picking Kaiju up and started walking back to Techno's house.

°~ Time skip to when they got to Technos house ~°

"Tommy I'm back, and I have Dream and Kaiju with me!" Techno kinda yelled so the gremlin would here him. "Welcome back big bro! Hey Dream, how have you been?" Tommy said in his normal loud voice. "I've been great Tommy, how about you?" Dream asked before he would walk up to Technos room to put his stuff away. "I've been good, Wilbur was being a dick again." Tommy said annoyed. " HEY!! No cursing infront of Kaiju." Dream said in a angry tone which kinda scared Tommy. "Right sorry.." Tommy said with a low tone still kinda scared since Dream just yelled at him. "Your fine, don't let it happen again please." Dream said before walking upstairs to put his stuff away. "I forgot how scary Dream can get when is comes to his kids..." Tommy said with a scared look but it changed once he was tackled by Kaiju. "Oh hey Kaiju!" Tommy said with a massive smile on his face. "Hello uncle Tommy!!" Kaiju said with a smile on his face, Tommy had a hard time hearing Kaiju but he finally got what Kaiju said about a minute later. "Can you watch Kaiju for a minute? I need to go put some things away" Techno said as he was almost up the stairs. "Sure! I don't mind, I love taking care of Kaiju!" Tommy said before Techno was upstairs helping Dream put his things away. "Oooo is that a new stuffy Kaiju? Tommy said asking Kaiju since he noticed the stuffed enderman in Kaiju's hand. "Yeah! Grandpa got it for me for my birthday!" Kaiju said with a small laugh since Tommy was always asking Kaiju things to make Kaiju happy and it always did. "That's nice, do they have a name?" Tommy asked. "Yeah! It's endera!" Kaiju said with a smile since he loved spending time with Tommy. "That's a nice name Kaiju!" Tommy said as he was sitting on the couch since Kaiju went to sit on the ground cause he didn't want to stand anymore.

This is as much as I will type for this chapter cause my hands hurt and I have nothing else I can put into this chapter, the next chapter will be what happened upstairs with Techno and Dream and it will be hopfully a long chapter so you all have something to read while I work on other things! I will fo my best to put out chapters everyday but if not sorry, I do have school stating back up from Spring break soon so if I don't update on a day I will most likely update the next day! Now have a great day/night lovelys!
Words: 1049

|° Welcome home... Dream.. °|Where stories live. Discover now