|° Chapter two, The talk.. °|

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Dream was upstairs putting some of his books away as he heard the bedroom door open and Techno walked into the room. "Need help?" Techno asked before putting his cape on his bed since they were in Techno's bedroom
"Yeah, Kaiju has so many toys and I have no idea were to put them haha.." Dream said with a laugh "I can make Kaiju a play room once I get the time so we have a place to put Kaiju's toys for now just put them in the corner" Techno said as he walked over and crouched down next to Dream. "Alright, I'm kinda surprised on how much Kaiju could write in the span of 3 hours..." Dream said as he looked at the book that Kaiju was writing in before Dream and Kaiju were let out of the prison. "Geez.. that child really does have motivation.." Techno said as he looked at the book. "Atleast Kaiju found something he liked doing." Dream said as he put the book in the drawer of the nightstand. "That's true." Techno said as he got up and helped Dream put all the books in the nightstand drawer. "You really scared Tommy when you raised your voice after he cursed infront of Kaiju" Techno said as if he was asking a question but he really wasn't. "I didn't mean too, I'm just really overprotective over Kaiju since I've had him with my the intire time I was in the prison, plus I did have him IN the prison." Dream said in a low tone as if he was tired which he was because he hadn't slept much in the past month. Techno kissed Dreams cheek and went to go put Dream's clothes in his (Technos) closet. Around 15 minutes later Dream and Techno had finally finished putting all of Dream's and Kaiju's stuff away. "Finally!!" Dream said as he floped onto Technos bed. "Haha! You really don't like putting things away do you?" Techno said as he sat down on the corner of his bed. "Not really, but if I have to I will. Also expect me to clean your house because that's just what I like to do." Dream said as he sat up and layed his head on the headbored of Technos bed. "Of course you will." Techno said as he would lay his head on Dreams lap since Techno was kinda tired after all the work. "Tired?" Dream asked as he looked down at Techno. "Mhm.. now let me rest." Techno said as he closed his eyes and soon drifted asleep. Soon after Techno fell asleep Dream did too.

'~ Time skip to when they woke up ~'

Dream yawned as he looked around and remembered he wasn't in the Prison but in his lover's house. Dream then heard a knock on the door and he knew who it was from the knock since they way the person knocked was a pattern, a certain pattern then only Kaiju and Dream knew. "Come on in bud." Dream said, as soon as he said that the door opened and Kaiju's head popped up he closed the door very quietly so he wouldnt wake up Techno since he was still asleep. Kaiju walked over to Dream and looked at him. "Dada, where is my writings?" Kaiju asked Dream and Dream grabed Kaiju's writing book and a pencil. "Here you go Kaiju, anything else you need?" Dream said before Kaiju nodded his head no and walked out of the room closing the door the same way he had opened it. Techno was already awake since Kaiju had woken him up but he was already somewhat awake when Kaiju knocked on the door. "Hmmm..." Techno said this and turned around so he was now facing the small window next to the bed. "Oh your up, sorry I didn't mean to wake you Techno." Dream said as Techno finally opened his eyes and looked up at Dream. "You didn't wake me up I've been awake since Kaiju knocked on the door.." Techno had said with a yawn since he did just wake up not to long ago. "Ah okay then." Dream said as he had slowly gotten up since the children might be hungry but Dream really didn't want to cook but he would cook if he needed too. "Were are you going..?c Techno asked Dream. "Seeing if the children are hungry and if they are ill cook them something to eat." Dream said as he got to the door. "Alright. I'll be down in a minute.." Techno said as he finally sat up from the bed. Dream walked downstairs to see Kaiju showing Tommy his writings. "These are so cool Kaiju!" Tommy had said before noticing Dream walking over to them. "You two hungry?" Dream had asked as he was not standing behide the couch that Tommy and Kaiju was on. "I'm not since I ate before you guys got here but Kaiju might be but I dont know" Tommy said as he was looking through the book of writings that Kaiju had wrote. "You hungry Kaiju?" Dream asked as Techno had finally gotten down the stairs and is now sitting on the other couch. "Nope! Grandpa gave me a snack before we left remeber?" Kaiju had said as Tommy have Kaiju his writing book back. "Right he did." Dream had said because Walking over to sit next to Techno. "These writings are wonderful Kaiju! I dont know how your able to write so well in English yet you have some trouble trying to speak English." Tommy had said right before his phone Started to buzz as he was getting a text message from someone. "Oop- I forgot to put my phone on silent again damn" Tommy said as he didn't want to cuse infront of Kaiju again and he knew Dream wouldn't get mad if he said damn since Kaiju really didn't think much when it comes to people talking to each other. Tommy picked up his phone and when he saw who texted him.he smiled a bit. "Who's texting you? You never smile when someone texts you." Techno asked as if he was teasing him. "Alex...." Tommy said kinda quietly since he knew Phil didn't like gay people much but know one really knows why. "Ohhhh your boyfriend, alright." Techno had said still sorta teasing Tommy. "Oh Tommy has a boyfriend?" Dream had asked now kinda interested in this topic now. "SHHHHH!!! Phil will hear you!" Tommy had kinda screamed but his voice was still low. "Phil? What do you mean by that Tommy?" Dream asked now concerned. "I found out Phil is homo-phobic not to long ago..." Tommy said with a frown as his own father wouldn't support him. "Really? I thought Phil wouldn't care if you were gay or not, I mean Tubbo teased you as if you were gay" Dream said as he was trying to figure out why Phil wouldn't support Tommy. "We found out he was homo-phobic once Wilbur said he was dating Quackity." Techno said as he layed his head on Dreams shoulder. "I wasn't told about that. Quackity has explaining to do when I see him again". Dream said as Techno laughed a bit at that comment.

YOOOOOOOO 3 updates in a day! I have to much free time and have motivation right now so WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE haha! Have a good day or night lovelys!
Words: 1240

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