|° Chapter four, Kaiju? °|

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Techno was woken up by a slightly crying Kaiju and this scared Techno since Kaiju didn't cry very often so this scared the crap out of Techno. "Hey, hey, are you okay Kaiju?" Techno asked kinda frantic since he wasn't the best with kids but was the worst at helping people with emotional shit cause he's Techno he doesn't show emotions often. "I-I ha-had a n-nightmare!" Kaiju said through his crying. "Hey, it's okay come here.." Techno said before hugging Kaiju tight. "Whats going on..?" Dream said as he turned around to face the two. "Kaiju had a nightmare.." Techno said as he pulled Kaiju onto the bed. "Oohh.. hey Kaiju your okay I'm here.." Dream said as he hugged Kaiju and Kaiju soon fell asleep again. "Has the happened before?" Techno would ask concerned for his kid. "Yeah.. it has happened before but it's normal for are Species, just not this normal..." Dream said with a low tone so he wouldnt wake up Kaiju. "What do you mean not this normal?" Techno asked now confused. "It's normal for us to have nightmares at least once a week but this has been happening every night since he was 3.." Dream said with a frown. "Oh.." Techno said also with a frown since he kid was having trouble sleeping for years. "You hungry? I can make breakfast if you want." Techno said as he got up from where he was sitting on the bed. "I'm not but Tommy might be." Dream replied. "Alright, I'll make extras just in case Kaiju wakes up and there hungry." Techno said before walked out of his room and down to the kitchen were Tommy was already sitting at the kitchen isle looking extremely tired. "You good Tom?" Techno ask with some concern. "Oh? Yeah I'm fine! Just a bit tired since Kaiju had woken me up saying he had a nightmare and he didn't want to wake you and Dream up.." Tommy said with a yawn as the time he was woken up was 2am. Techno judt hummed a response and went to go make breakfast. Tommy kinda hit his head on the isle and that made Techno jump and as soon as he heard the bang and wasn't as shocked he literally just sorta scream.'you good?' to Tommy and he said he was okay but Techno knew that was a lie. "Here, eat up" Techno said while handing Tommy a plate of pancakes. "Thanks Techno!" Tommy said with a smile since pancakes were his favorite. "No problem Tom." Techno said as he went back to making more pancakes for Dream, Kaiju and himself. Around 5 minutes later both Techno and Tommy heard foot steps, Tommy was the only one to turn his head to the stairs and he saw Dream walking down the stairs with Kaiju in hand which Kaiju had puffy eyes but for the most part he was okay now from his nightmare. "Good morning Dream!" Tommy said with a smile before he went back to his pancakes. "Morning Tommy." Dream replied before setting Kaiju on the stool next to Tommy and Techno handing Kaiju a plate of pancakes. "Thanks papa!" Kaiju said eith a light smile, Kaiju liked pancakes just not as much as he like chorus fruit which grew in the end so he didn't get to eat those often but Foolish said he would talk to XD to see if XD would give his some chorus fruit for Kaiju since XD was fond of the small Ender dragon for some reason.. "You hungry?" Techno asked Dream as Dream sat down at the kitchen isle. "No, I'll eat later though." Dream said before Techno at down to eat his breakfast aswell. Technos phone buzzed as he was finishing his breakfast, Techno knew who texted him since Tommy and Dream were right there next to him so knowing it was Wilbur uh Techno wasn't really happy to see a message from Wilbur but he had to respond to it since Wilbur is Technos brother and Wilbur would probably show up later like 'why did you answer me texts' later which he didn't want.

Messages with Wilbur

Oi, ima stop by with Quackity later is you dont mind Techno-
      Fine. Make it quike though.

Fair enough, see you later litter bro!

                   Yeah, see you.

~Back to irl~

"Who you texting?" Tommy asked since he was now curious on who his older brother was texting. "Will, he's coming by for a visit later with Quackity." Techno said as he put his plate in the sink "Oh good. I can ask why Quackity didn't tell me about him and Wilbur dating!" Dream said as he was still salty about that. "Damn salty much!" Tommy said with a small laugh as Dream never got so angry at someone about that sort of thing. "Well I have a right to ask questions, I've known Quackity since he was only a week old." Dream said as he took Kaiju's and Tommy's plates and put them in the sink. "Since he was a week old!?" Tommy said like he was surprised. "Yeah! Dada has known uncle Quackity since he was really young!" Kaiju said as he was extremely happy that Quackity was stopping by. "Kaiju knows alot about mine and Quackitys friendship since he would always ask questions whenever Quackity visited me and Kaiju in the prison." Dream said as he was now sitting on the couch with a Kaiju at his playing with a stuffed enderman and creeper. "How many stuffed animals did Sam buy Kaiju?" Tommy asked as he was cone curious about the stuffys. "I'm pretty sure there's around 28 of them? Maybe more." Dream said as he lyed his head back on the couch. "28!?!" Tommy said surprised as hell since to him that'd a high number because he never got stuffed animals to play with, he was to busy training to be toys according to Phil. "Wilbur had more. There was a mountain of them in his room since Momza loved to spoil Wilbur." Techno said as he sat down next to Dream.

Alright! This is all yall gunna get for a bit, the next chapter will be Dream questioning Quackity about things because Quackity forgot to tell Dream. That's gonna be fun to write anygays! I will try my best to post a new chapter every day if then I will post the day after the day I forgot since I have some memory issues but that's fine! School is also starting back up in two days so during the week you will most likely get 1 update every two days but I will do my best to get one out everyday! Now like normal, have a great and wonderful day/night lovelys!
Words: 1141

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