|° Chapter Six, sorry, what? °|

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TW: Foolish X Eret X Dream XD
If you dont like I don't care I do so ha. Anyways onto he story!

Techno was on the couch with Kaiju since Kaiju fell asleep after playing with his toys for 6 hours and Dream was making lunch since everyone was hungry and he didn't want to make Techno cook again so Dream just cooked what he normally did for lunch which is Takoyaki, a Japanese recipe that Foolish gave him. Dream and Kaiju were going to visit Foolish later since they haven't seen him in a while and thought it was a good idea since Dream was out of prison and Foolish was free for a bit today though won't be able to hang around for long since he still needs to finish a few things but normal Foolish would finish a week's worth of work in a day and that kinda scares a few people but Dream does that to some times and Kaiju does too with his writings but eh. Dream had finished lunch and everyone ate, once the dishes were done Dream and Kaiju got ready and headed out to Foolishs place.

°~ Once they got to Foolishs place ~°

"I'm pretty sure Foolish is near the XD statue, like always." Dream said to Kaiju and Kaiju just nodded and continued to walk right by Dreams side. "Oh, hey Dream!" Foolish said waving to the two walking towards him. "Hey big brother." Dream responded. "Uncle Foolish!" Kaiju said as he ran over to Foolish and hugged him. "Hey Kaiju! How have you been bud?" Foolish said as he picked up Kaiju and as Foolish was doing his Dream noticed DreamXD in the corner of the XD statue just staring at them. "Howve you been Dream?" Foolish asked Dream like he always did when Dream visited. "I've been doing a lot better now that I got out of prison. How about you?" Dream responded with a light smile. "That's great! I've been good, finishing a build I started not to long ago." Foolish said with a smile. "Whats with XD watching us?" Dream asked nodding to XD who was still just staring at Foolish, Dream, and Kaiju. "Oh right! We made a deal and uh... now I'm his pet?" Foolish said in a 'I just fucked up something voice. "Sorry, what?" Dream asked with a questioning look. "Haha... we made a deal and all that and now I'm his pet so now he just sits around watching me do.. stuff." Foolish responded a bit hesitant knowing if he cursed Dream would smack him. "You really had to make sure you didn't curse huh." Dream said with a smerk as he was now teasing his older brother. "I'm going to THROW you." Foolish said with a angry look on his face. "Okay, okay geez... anyways, how's your relationship with Eret?" Dream asked as they were walking to Foolishs house. "Better then when we first started dating, but uhhh... it's no longer just me and Eret dating.." Foolish said just a bit hesitant since Dream didn't get along with Eret or the other person Foolish AND Eret were dating soo. "Oh? So a polyamory relationship?" Dream asked as Foolish set Kaiju down ok the couch and sat down next to Kaiju and Dream sat now on the couch opposite of Foolish and Kaiju. "Yeah but... you don't really like the other person.." Foolish said looking at the floor. "It XD isn't it?" Dream asked with a stern look on his face."H-Howd you know!?" Foolish said with a very shocked look on his face. "Dada knows a lot more then he let's people know. Plus we know the look you do when you stair at people you love." Kaiju said as he sat there just kinda staring off into space. "I question how smart you let people onto Kaiju." Foolish said looking like he should really hide things better. "Oh I am. I just want to see people be surprised when I show them how smart I really am, it's funny to me!" Kaiju said with a small smile now looking at Foolish. "What have you been teaching you child Dream?" Foolish said now looking at Dream with a shit ton of concern. "Nothing. Base knowledge that he learned by who knows." Dream responded right as there was a knock on the door then it opened. "Hello love! Oh hey Dream!" A sort of feminine voice said and Dream knew who it was without needed to look at them. "Hey Eret." Dream said with a smile as Eret sat down next to Foolish. "Howve you been since being out of the prison?" Eret asked since he hadn't seen Dream in around 7 years. "Better then when I was. Also meet Kaiju, my child or one of them." Dream said pointing to the Kaiju sitting on the edge of the couch looking around Foolishs home since he never saw it and wanted to look around more but just didn't. "Omg there so cute! Hello little one!" Eret said as he was now looking at the small child next to him. "Hello pretty person!" Kaiju said as he didn't know if Eret was female or male so person it is. "Call me Eret little one." Eret said with a smile as to him Kaiju was the cutest thing. "Okay Eret!" Kaiju said with a smile as he was a child and met a new person he was going to be a choatic happy child. "I want to keep them but I can't." Eret said now looking at Dream. "Don't steal my kid, if you do your DEAD." Dream said with a very, very stern look on his face as he was VERY overprotective of Kaiju. "I won't I swear! Don't worry." Eret said now watching his words not wanting to lose another life. "Oh be nice ya little shit." Foolish said while looking at Dream who just gave up on telling Foolish to not curse infront of Kaiju. Next thing they know XD just pops up behide Foolish looking like a fuckin monstrosity like always. "Yes Hello XD." Foolish said not even needing to look behind him to see the god standing behide him. "AH!! Jesus christ." Eret had yelled as XD scared him again. "Hahaha!!" XD was not laughing a little bit from Erets reaction. "Oh, it's the weird lookin god that no one really likes." Kaiju said looking at XD. "Kaiju!!" Foolish said now annoyed a bit by Kaiju. "Hahaha!!" Dream was not laughing from Kaijus response, Eret was laughing a bit but stoped after Foolish smacked him over the head. "I like the child already." XD said with a smile. "See? The best way to befriend a god is to make fun of them!" Kaiju said with a small smile as XD had just said that he liked(NOT THE LOVE WAY.) Kaiju from a INSULT. "Pffft-" Eret let out a small laugh from Kaijus response and Foolish just gave up on trying at this point. "I haven't seen Foolish look so disappointed since I got myself stuck on the roof!" Dream said through laughs but eventually stoped laughing to the point he could breath again. "Your just a disappointment with anything Dream." Foolish said with his face in his hands since he was just done with them all. "Damn-" Eret said with a surprised look on his face. "You okay love..?" XD asked Foolish since Foolish looked like he was going to either cry or murder someone. "Yup, im good.. fornow." Foolish said while now somehow calm and Dream was still trying to catch his breath from all the laughing. "Kaiju and I should really get going now, don't want Techno to wait for to long now do I?" Dream said as he now got up and Kaiju did the same. "Bye uncle Foolish!" Kaiju said while waving them both Dream and Kaiju left heading back to Technos place.

Alright! Weekdays will be every other day so Monday, Wednesday, and Friday yall will get a update and thrusday and Tuesday I will have to myself and Saturday and Sunday with get a update each. Have a good day/night loveylys!
Words: 1372

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