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"They jumped right over the cliff, disappeared into thin air."

"Well what good does it do us to know where the bloody grievers go?" Newt was irritated. We gave him enough painkillers to put an elephant to sleep but he still had a headache

"It was just an observation."

Newt rubbed his head, avoiding the fresh bandage that already had a speck of blood on it. "Alright let's worry about this later. Everyone needs to rest now and then we get back to work on the maps. Good that?"

"Good that."

I was tired, but I couldn't seem to find sleep when I laid down. I tossed and I turned, picturing a griever making a hole in my window and getting me while I slept. I groaned in frustration and sat up, throwing my sheet to the ground. It also didn't help that I knew a dozen boys had been in this room, defiled it with their boy scent and fear. It didn't feel the same.

Granted it hasn't felt the same since Nick died, but it was like a stranger to me now. I got up from the bed, putting my clothes back on and heading out of the room.

It was empty save for the boys sleeping by a patch of trees. But it was quiet and gray. A fitting scenery for a somber mood. I wanted to work on the maps right now, but the shed wouldn't be open. And I didn't want to bother Newt. But when I got to the shed, I noticed the door was already open. I went inside, making sure to close it, and went down into the basement.

Newt and Teresa were already there. I scoffed. "Wow, thanks for the invite."

"I figured you wanted to sleep." Newt didn't look up from his stack of papers.

"I did. But I couldn't knock out."

He nodded absently and called me over. "Does this look like an 'E'?"

I looked over the maps and held it up to the light. "Yeah, it does. How far have you guys gotten?"

"B. L. E. E." Teresa answered. She held up her stack of maps. "D."

"Bleed? Float, catch, bleed? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe there's more." Teresa offered. I don't know if it's the lack of sleep, or lack of trust, but it sounded like she was sure there was more. I didn't say anything.

"Maybe." I pulled out my own stack and got to work.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but my watch went off, signaling the opening of the maze doors. Of course there was no sound or rumbling. In the time that we worked, we got the words; death, stiff, and push. Newt had suggested a break, but Teresa and I wanted to keep working. Newt just shrugged and went up the stairs. We worked in silence, until Teresa spoke.

"This map doesn't have anything." She handed me the papers and sure enough, it was just a bunch of intersecting lines, no letter.

"Hm. Let's check the next couple of days." She nodded and we did as I suggested. Just like the first one, there was nothing. There was nothing for a week, and then C. We continued on and found that the words repeated.

"That must be the code." Teresa said over my shoulder as we looked at the paper we wrote the words on.

"Code for what?" I asked. Not really a rhetorical question, because I knew she had to have an answer for it.

"I don't know." She walked back to the stacks of papers we made, cleaning them up. "Aren't Minho and Thomas looking for that?"

"You know, you're very suspicious." I say, not answering her question.

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me, confused. "What?"

"You come up with so many clues and don't know what any of them mean."

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