What is The Nano Watt?

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💫Welcome to The Nano Watt profile,💫 an award profile created to celebrate the brilliant stories and authors on the orange app. This award was founded to loosely replicate the annual Watty Awards but on a much smaller scale, (hence the name nano), but nevertheless aims to empower writers who may not have won or never will get the chance to win an award in the vast competition that is The Wattys.

Therefore, each year from the months of April to November TheNanoWatt hosts its own annual award ceremony which accepts ~1000 submissions from users with the aim of crowning approximately 100 of those submissions winners.

If this is a contest you would be interested in then do not hesitate to follow us and participate in The Nano Watt and make your mini wattys dream a reality!

-TheNanoWatt Team

Disclaimer: TheNanoWatt is a user-run profile and is not affiliated with the official Wattys profile (@TheWattys), @Wattpad nor any of the many ambassador run profiles.

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