Chapter One

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Macau was sitting in his room staring out his window counting the seconds as they crawled by. He had just written his last exam and was feeling listless. Now that he'd written the last exam of his second last year of university he would have to work with his father. Not that he hated the idea, he just didn't feel like it was him. The truth was he would much rather travel the world taking pictures and writing blogs but his family would have a field day before letting him do that.

They were all for helping him do what he wanted as long as he was working towards taking on responsibility in the family business so there, he was, staring at the darkening sky from his room trying to figure out what he was actually going to do until school started.

A soft knocking on his door pulled him out of his head. He turned around to find Vegas standing at the door smiling at him, "Why are you cooped up in here?" he asked walking up to the boy and taking a seat on the bed next to the study table.

"When did you get back?"

"About an hour ago and I thought you'd gone out with your friends to celebrate. That was until Arty called asking if I'd seen you since you got home. So, why have you locked yourself in here?"

Macau let out a heavy sigh and turned back to the window, "I didn't feel like going out with those guys. They're just so...loud sometimes."

"That's it?" Vegas asked trying to suppress a laugh.

Macau shrugged in response and started swinging his chair, "How about this," Vegas said after a moment, "Kinn and Kim wanted to take you out to celebrate today but I thought you'd be hanging out with your friends, so we agreed to take a rain check. How about I tell them that you're free and we can go to our usual joint? Sound good?"

Macau thought about it for a second. His cousins were better company than his friends and they didn't ask unnecessary questions, unless Tankhun's involved. It was also easier to relax around them than it was around his friends. It would also serve as a much-needed distraction from his thoughts, "Yeah, sounds good. Just let me get ready, I'll be out in thirty."

Vegas nodded and walked out of the room, phone in hand probably texting one of his cousins about the change in plans. Macau took a quick shower before throwing on a pair of baggy cargos and an oversized graphic tee. It was different from his usual business casual clothes but it's what screamed Macau more than anything else. He threw on a few wristbands and a dog tag necklace before looking at himself briefly in his mirror deciding it was good enough.

Vegas had Macau drive them to the bar. He needed to check a few work emails for the new project his father had suddenly sprung on him, but he told Macau he just didn't feel like driving; not that the boy bought it. The bar was packed like it always was. Macau, his cousins and his brother were led to a private room overlooking the bar like they always were. The girl that showed them to the room brought a bunch of drinks that they always ordered. It was always the same when they came here. That's why Macau liked going there. Nothing ever really changed.

Once they had settled and everyone had a drink in their hand Kinn and Vegas passed each other a look before Kinn shifted in his seat, "Cau..."

Macau looked up to find the man smiling at him, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you were free on Sunday," he said taking a sip of his drink.


"On?" Kinn was now smirking.

"What you want me to do," Macau replied sizing up his cousin.

"It's nothing too crazy. I just need you to fill in for me. I'll make it worthwhile."

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