Chapter Six

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Between the slight pounding in his head and the fact that he had to pack, Macau was positively annoyed. he'd hardly gotten two hours of sleep before his brother rudely woke him up at six in the morning when he was returning from his latenight rendezvous. He didn't really make such noise until he knocked over a vase in the hall waking Macau up. The boy couldn't go back to sleep and was in a foul mood.

He didn't have a lot of things so packing didn't take up too much of his time and he was ready to leave by midday. He was having brunch by the poolside when his brother walked through the sliding doors looking better than he deserved given that Macau was sleep deprived because of him. A maid walked out after him asking what he'd have to eat.

Macau tried his hardest  to ignore his brother but that wasn't something you just choose to do. Ignoring Vegas was humanly impossible. He had a heavy presence and you could very easily feel his emotions radiating off of him. At that moment he was amused by his little brother's pouting, "You look worse than I feel brother," he said picking a grape out of Macau's fruit bowl.

"And you look better than you deserve. Were you really that drunk?" Macau asked finally looking at his brother.

Vegas was slouching lazily in his chair with one leg crossed over the other. He wasn't exactly tall but he carried himself like he looked over the rest of the world. Like everything else was far beneath him. Macau could help but feel a pang in his chest as he looked at his brother. His black chinos clung to the muscle on his legs which emphasising his waist. His black, satin button down was loose though, hanging lazily from his body. The embodiment of seduction was what his brother was.

The illusion of pure perfection was shattered however when Macau noticed a red mark on his brother's collarbone only to notice another one peaking out from under his shirt on his chest and then the faded marks began to look just as red as the others. The boy rolled his eyes and turned back to his food. Although he wasn't in the best of moods he couldn't help but feel at ease as he took in his surroundings. The pool had just been cleaned so it was crystal clear. It wasn't too hot or humid and the air felt a little crisp in his lungs. It was the sort of tranquility he yearned for but very seldom experienced.

"Should I send someone to get your car later?" Vegas asked after what felt like an eternity of silence.

"No, I'll just go get it later. I don't really need it today anyway."

"Oh?" he asked rasing an eyebrow.

"Chay's helping me move, he's bringing his car and so is Kim. I won't need to get the Merc because it's too small to carry much of anything anyway."

"Well aren't you two the cutest?" Vegas teased smiling to himself.

Vegas left shortly after he finished eating. He had to leave the country for work so he couldn't see his brother off. It didn't bother Macau as much as he'd expected but he'd be lying if he said he didn't mind it at all. You'd think he'd be tired of doing everything with his brother after having done so all his life but he was far from it. After double checking that he'd packed everything Macau decided to go for a swim. Chay wouldn't be arriving for another couple of hours so he had quite some time to kill.

It wasn't until he felt his hair being brushed out of his face that he realised that he'd fallen asleep on a floatie during his swim. Chay smiled down at him as he watched his boyfriend slowly register his surroundings, "Hi."

"You shouldn't fall asleep in the pool. What happens if you drown?" Chay said as Macau stepped onto the pavement next to Chay who was still crouched at the edge of the pool.

"I'm basically a pro swimmer. I am never drowing." Macau said stretching.

"Sure, whatever you say, "Chay responded rolling his eyes coming up to eye level with Macau, "Did you not sleep well?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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