Chapter Two

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Chay had finally passed all of Porsche's silly tests, so his brother had to keep his word. He skipped down the stairs to the dining room where his mother and brother were waiting for him. As he got closer, he heard his brother trying to keep his voice low while his mother tried to talk over him. Chay couldn't make up most of what they were saying until Porsche finally shouted, "He is just a child!"

Who is just a child? Who are they talking about? Chay stood there a while longer. Neither his mother nor brother said anything for a bit. "I am only doing this to create a new alliance why can't you..." his mother began but was cut off.

"By using your son? That's pretty messed up ma!" Porsche spat.

That's when Chay realised they were talking about him. But what on earth were they talking about? He was about to walk into the room when his mother spoke again, "It worked just fine for me so why not?"

"Did it? Did it really? Because the last time I checked you spent a lot of time crying after Chay was born and you guys did nothing but fight until the day he died so did it really ma?"


"I will not sit back and watch you ruin my baby brother's life the way yours was. That's not fair on Chay or whoever you thought you'd marry him off to."

Chay heard a chair scrapping and before he could run away his brother was standing in front of him, "Hia?" he said his voice cracking.

Chay hadn't realised it until he spoke but he was crying. His eyes stung and the tears wouldn't stop. Was his mother trying to marry him off? Porsche smiled at him ever so slightly and wiped his tears, "Come on. We'll grab something on the way to work."

Porsche slipped his hand into his little brother's and led the boy away from their mother trying to stop his own tears. He didn't want to cry. Not in front of Porchay. He knew how much the boy wanted to be like him, doing anything and everything for his family. He also knew that Chay would force himself to obey his mother if she told him and that was the last thing he wanted for his brother. He wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Not after he saw how much his mother was hurting when his father was still alive. That's not something he wants to see Chay get pulled into. A loveless marriage is the last thing his Porchay would walk into for as long as he was breathing.

Porchay had stopped crying by the time they arrived at the hotel. Porsche was slowly introducing him to the employees at all the hotels and bars they owned but he thought twice before opening the door. He looked over to his brother in the passenger seat. His eyes were still a little puffy and his face was still flushed, "Are you sure you're up to it today? We can do this tomorrow," Porsche said.

Chay sniffed and smiled at his brother, "Hia, what if I have a very bad morning later? I can't just not go to work because of something small like this? I'm fine, really."

He took a deep breath to steady himself before opening the car door, "Today can't get worse," he whispered to himself before stepping out of the car.

That day was no different from the others. Porsche showed him around and introduced him to random people. Chay smiled and nodded at random intervals and spoke only when directly addressed. Most of the new employees or those who hadn't been around long enough were tense because both their boss's sons had randomly shown up. While Porsche really wanted to show Chay around and get him acquainted with some of the staff, these expeditions were also a bit of a power play. He wanted everyone on their best behaviour and it was easy to catch slip-ups since these were completely spontaneous.

It was well after midday when Porsche finally decided to make himself scarce. They headed up to his office on the thirteenth floor where they had their lunch served. Chay didn't care much for the food and Porsche was looking through his emails instead of eating so the food lay untouched for a while. It took a couple of minutes before Porsche realised that Porchay was just staring out the window behind his desk instead of eating. He closed his mail and looked at his brother.

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