Chapter Three

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Chay woke up well after midday. After he got off from 'work' the night before he and Macau went out for burgers. It was an odd interaction or rather it should have been a bit odd, but it felt like it was just meant to be if that's even a thing. Despite the awkward situation they were in there was no awkwardness between them. Conversation flowed and both boys found themselves enjoying the company of the other. They talked about everything and nothing. They talked about their families and their friends. The things they liked and even their dreams and aspirations and Chay even found himself saying things like, "We can do that together if you'll have me," when Macau talked about things he wanted to do.

They drove around for a while just talking and laughing at nothing until they found themselves at the edge of a cliff where they just watched the stars and existng in each other's presence. It was the last thing Chay had expected when he saw Macau walk into the bar. A million other things could have happened but spending the whole night with him was the last thing Chay had anticipated. He got home a little after 04:00 and even then, they were texting back and forth until 08:00 when Chay finally fell asleep.

Porsche was sitting in the dining room seemingly nursing a hangover when the boy went down to get something to eat. He watched the boy as he made his way through a door in the dining room into the kitchen. Chay remerged fifteen minutes with a bowl of granola and a plate of toast and eggs and bacon and his signature black coffee on a tray. He took the seat next to his brother but didn't speak. Usually, when Porsche was hungover, he hated Chay talking to him because he said the boy's voice was annoying so he sat waiting for Porsche to say something. He didn't say anything though. He just eyed Chay's coffee before grabbing it and downing all of it in one go. Chay pulled a face at his brother before staring at his empty coffee mug until Porsche slid his orange juice over to the boy. He still wasn't talking, and neither was Chay.

The door to the kitchen opened after a while and their housekeeper walked out holding a tray with a steaming bowl and a coffee mug. She placed the bowl of soup in front of Porsche and the coffee next to Chay, "Eat," she said to Porsche before ruffling Chay's hair and walking away.

Erika had been with the family since the brothers were children. She took care of them when their mother couldn't, so they viewed her as family. She was there through their dark times, and she stuck around enough to see the family thriving and the boys fully grown. It also meant she knew the brothers better than anybody else. When Chay went to make himself food she was about to check on him to find out of he also needed hangover soup like his brother so she was stunned when all he wanted was his standard breakfast, especially knowing what the grown-ups were up to.

"Why do you look so happy?" Porsche finally asked slurping his soup.

"Why do you look like you got run over by a bus?"

Porsche rolled his eyes and went back to his soup. He eyed his little brother while the boy silently hummed as he ate, "You weren't in your room when I went to check on you."

He phrased it like a question but Chay knew it wasn't. He also knew there was no way to get out of answering, "I was out with a friend."

"What friend? All your playmates are out of town remember," Porsche pressed.

"A new friend."

"Macau? I saw you leave with your betrothed last night. You guys get along, okay?"

Chay froze at his brother's words, "Huh?"

Porsche smirked at his brother as the boy blinked at him, "I mean I'm all for getting to know him but I hope you kids are being safe and all that."

"Oh my...hia! Could you please not? We just talked and had burgers," the boy defended.

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