Chapter Four

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Macau caught himself staring at Chay when the two walked out of the house. Chay was staring at the sky before he chuckled and looked back at Macau who was still standing by the door. Despite their only having met literally less than a day before Macau couldn't help but feel like he'd do anything to keep the boy in front of him smiling. He couldn't explain it or understand where the feeling was coming from but it was the first real thing he'd felt towards anyone and he wasn't going to question it.

Chay tilted his head slightly to the side still smiling, "What?" he asked.

Macau smiled back at him and began to walk towards him, "I'm just thinking about how pretty your smile is."

He stopped directly in front of Porchay with the tips of their shoes almost touching. Chay wanted to squeal from the sudden closeness. The whole situation felt made up. There wasn't a world where he thought he'd be standing this close to Macau.

Despite having been in the same school and class since they started high school, Chay and Macau had never spoken. Macau was one of the popular kids, he stood out and always had a small crowd of fan girls and boys following him around. He also had a very intimidating clique made up of heirs to a bunch of big business and a few with underground or regal connections. They were both feared and admired by everyone while Chay was the opposite.

Although his family was very successful in their field he didn't speak much about it at school. He had a small friend group and was mostly invisible. It was mostly to protect himself from the constant watch and scrutiny he'd seen Macau and his friends fall victim to on more than one occasion. He also just hated the thought of people changing their behaviour towards him simply because of what his mother has accomplished.

Because of this Chay and Macau never had an opening to talk to each other not that they ever paid each other much attention. If anything Porchay hated Macau because of the people he surrounded himself with so this, their engagement was the last thing in the world he could have cooked up even in his dizziest day dreams. He also never thought he'd ever be able to hold a real conversation with him but there they were standing outside his house, toe to toe looking into each other's eyes like the rest of the world did not exist.

Macau was the first to speak not taking his eyes off his fiancé's, "So my brother, Vegas, made a reservation at this really fancy restaurant an hour away from here but I wanted to know if you're down for that because if not, we can go to one of my restaurants about thirty minutes from here."

Chat leaned back slightly as if actually weighing his options as if he hadn't already decided. He finally looked back at Macau and cocked an eyebrow, "Your restaurant you say."

Macau bit his bottom lip only having realised that he'd actually said it like that. It was true though, "Yeah. Dad put three of our chains in my name and it just got finalised today."

"No fair," Chay whined, "Hia said that I only get right to The Glacier when I'm 23."

Macau chuckled at the sudden outburst which only made Chay pout. The boy huffed and walked over to the passenger side of the black car waiting for Macau to unlock the vehicle. Macau made his way to the driver's side and leaned against the car, "You haven't told me where you want to go," he said slowly smirking at Chay.

"Your restaurant," the boy said smiling goofily, his little tantrum forgotten.

Macau unlocked the car but took a second to collect himself before joining Chay. All he could think about was how it should be illegal to be that cute and not even realise. He almost wanted to smack himself because how did he spend five years in high school with this human and an additional two years but didn't try talking to him at least once.

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