Chapter Five

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The weekend had come and gone and they were well into the week. Macau was sitting at his desk in his room staring out of the window. Porsche's words were bouncing around in his head. "I don't care how this ends to be honest, you can choose to walk out or stay. That's up to you but whatever you decide I want it to be your choice."

My choice. He said to himself swinging thoughtlessly side to side. Porsche had said he'd be expecting him before the week ended. He wanted to give it a shot. He really did but could he?

Macau had never defied his father or uncle, nobody did. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck doing something he didn't like but was it okay to go against his family's wishes?  He shook the thought and gave one big swing of his chair before stopping when he saw his cousin leaning against his door frame smiling fondly, "Penny for your thoughts?"

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough," Kim said pushing off the doorframe and walking towards the bed where he sat facing Macau, "What were you thinking so deeply about?"

"Nothing, just... I need to move out before the end of the week. Chay's helping me move tomorrow but I haven't even started packing."

He knew he could tell Kim anything but for some reason he couldn't tell him about his conversation with Porsche. Kim cocked an eyebrow and smirked at his cousin, "Chay huh?" he teased.

"Shut up," Macau responded throwing a pen cap at Kim's chest.

"I take it you're getting along okay?"

"Something like that," Macau responded smiling to himself.

"He's a good kid you know," Kim added tossing the pen cap onto the desk.

"You know each other?"

"Yeah. I helped him with his entrance exam for the faculty of performing arts so we spent some time together," he said blankly picking at nonexistent lint on his arm sleeve, "Pity he didn't make it to the final screening. He was at the top of the list."

He shook his head and looked back at his cousin who had his eyes narrowed at him, "What?"

"Sure that's all there was to it?"

"Certain," he scoffed, "Pa tells me that you're incharge of three of our branches now."

"Our? The last time I check you, Wik, were a rouge member of the family," Macau teased.

Kim rolled his eyes and fell back onto the bed, "Yeah. Not too crazy about the thought of that though," Macau said moving from the desk to slump next to Kim on the bed, "I think it's a little too much and a little too soon."

"If anyone can make it work it's you. But if you need help..."

"I'm not calling you. You'll probably help me crash my business.

"Not me stupid. Kinn and Vegas, they're always on standby. You know that right."

Macau hummed in response. He knew he could count on his cousin and brother. He knew he could make it work if he tried hard enough. He just hated the thought of being forced into it all. But as much as he hated it he wanted to make it work... somehow.

They lay in silence for a while. After some time Macau realised that Kim had fallen asleep. Waking him up crossed his mind for a second but he decided against it. Kim had as much going on for him as everyone else. Because he refused to go into the family business, he had a lot of pressure to succeed in his music so he worked himself to the bone. It didn't look like it but Kim had more pressure than Macau, Vegas and Kinn looming over his head. He just didn't show it. The whole nonchalant rebel thing had been his brand almost his whole life and he seemed to have forgotten how to show his emotions.

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