Chapter 26

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The day was hot when the Sully's arrived at the chief's marui for lunch. They all bowed their heads and gave the 'I see you' gesture. Even among friends, respect was important. The kids all sat along one side of the low table, Neteyam on the right end. When Ao'nung entered the marui along with Tsireya, Kiri grinned at Neteyam and Lo'ak both, and shuffled far down to the left end, putting Tuk at the head of the table, leaving room for the two 'couples' to sit next to each other.

The eating passed with little incident, merely knowing smiles from Kiri and Tsireya to Neteyam and Ao'nung, while Neteyam and Kiri also smirked at Lo'ak and Tsireya. The adults talked about various small topics, mostly bonding over their shared joy at having Neteyam back among the group. When things started to wrap up, Neteyam nudged Ao'nung. The two had mostly sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. This had been one of their favourite things to do while alone, just appreciating the other's existence, the sense of completion in their presence. They did not need to talk much, just small words of affirmation and keeping up with the goings-on of the village and their families. Ao'nung told Neteyam about the children he taught to swim, the way their little tails wiggled frantically, trying to compensate for the wily limbs of toddlers. Neteyam spoke about his old home in the forest, only when Ao'nung asked; which he did, a lot. Although Neteyam did think of it as his 'old' home, he found he didn't feel any disconnection from it, aside from the distance. He enjoyed talking about his Ikran, Irian. The tree he and his brother claimed when they were small, racing up either side and sleeping at the top before scurrying back to their parents. Ao'nung loved to see Neteyam's soft nostalgic smile, but always felt his heart break slightly when Neteyam seemed to remember that his life had changed.

After a mutual nod, Ao'nung stood up. Though Neteyam had said he could do it, Ao'nung objected and assured Neteyam he would do it. Neteyam hadn't backed down though. He insisted that since Ao'nung had saved his life, he could handle telling their families they were planning on a courtship. Ao'nung tried to argue, feeling that since he had essentially forced Neteyam into this, but Neteyam just gave him a soft smile.

"I want this, Ao'nung." Neteyam had told him, holding both his hands in his. Ao'nung had swallowed back his protestations and nodded stiffly. Now Ao'nung watched as Neteyam stood, the low table reaching his knees, and cleared his throat slightly. He wasn't loud or dramatic, but everyone instantly went quiet and looked to him. 

Neteyam POV (idrk if the prev stuff was Ao'nung's pov but this is now Neteyam's)

Tsireya was smiling warmly at him, giving a small thumbs up. Lo'ak gave him a quick wink, Kiri nodded, and Tuk nodded enthusiastically, though Neteyam guessed she just wanted to do something because her siblings were. Neteyam breathed deeply, and turned to his and Ao'nung's parents. 

"Mother, father," Neteyam addressed his own parents, who straightened up immediately, first "I know you have some reservations over me choosing Ao'nung, and the circumstances through which we became... bonded." He paused slightly, considering for a second if that was the right word, but decided it was the only choice. "I am certain that Ao'nung loves me, and I love him. He is an honourable choice, I'm sure he'd agree." Neteyam smiled at his own joke, and laughed when he saw Ao'nung's face. His parents laughed too, Neytiri resting on his father's arm. He took this as a good sign to continue. "I wanted to tell you I wish to court him. Of course, we unofficially began, before I, um..." Neteyam didn't feel like mentioning his spell of unconsciousness.  "Well, anyway. We thought it would make it more official if we told everyone, properly." Neteyam felt himself warm at the word 'we'. He and Ao'nung, together. 

Now he turned to Tonowari and Ronal. 
"Olo'eytkan, Tsahik." Neteyam nodded to them individually. "I wish to court your son." There seemed to be a simultaneous gasp and deep breath and silence from everyone else as Ronal and Tonowari looked to each other and back to Neteyam. 

Then Ronal smiled. "We accept your wishes, you are more than worthy of our son." Tonowari also smiled wryly at Neteyam.

"We are glad he chose you, Neteyam." The Olo'eytkan nodded in return "I know I caused some discourse between you, telling Ao'nung this relationship was unimportant. I see how plainly wrong I was." Neteyam smiled.

 Suddenly, Ao'nung stood up too. 

(Ao'nung's POV) 

Neteyam raised his eyebrows, and Ao'nung looked directly at him and said "When I first asked Neteyam, offering a courtship-" 

"You made him cry." Kiri interjected helpfully. Luckily, Neteyam  laughed. 

"Thanks, Kiri." Ao'nung rolled his eyes and continued. "He told me that he would have this be an equal partnership, since we both value each other equally. So," Ao'nung turned to Toruk Makto and Neytiri. Though she did not have a fancy title like Olo'eytkan, Tsahik, or Toruk Makto, Neytiri was a striking figure in her own right. Swallowing, Ao'nung nodded and said "I wish to court your son." 

Thankfully, the couple only smiled. 

"You brought our son back to us, you proved yourself enough, Ao'nung." Toruk Makto said. 

"Neteyam chose you when you saved him." Neytiri added.

"And I will choose him everyday, into the foreseeable future." Neteyam added, now smiling. Ao'nung found himself smiling too. 

"Children, go for a swim, you may have the rest of the day away from chores and any jobs." Tonowari told them, looking to Jake for confirmation. 

"Yes, I agree. Enjoy." He said, turning back to talk to the Metkayina couple. As they all walked through the doorway, Neytiri called out in an airy voice 

"Neteyam, I trust you and Ao'nung will be... responsible?" This almost tripped Neteyam over as he was walking out. Her pause before the last word made it clear what she meant. 

"I, uh, yeah. We won't- Not that we were going to-" Neteyam stumbled over his words as Lo'ak and Kiri almost fell over in fits of silent laughter. Neytiri too seemed amused, and replied

"Relax, son, enjoy yourself." 

Neteyam grasped Ao'nung's hand and they sprinted to the rock flat jutting out in the reef, where the others had already run to. As they ran, taking care not to slip on the flat rock, Ao'nung spotted Tsireya grab Lo'ak's hand as they jumped in. Ao'nung quickly pulled Neteyam to a halt, and turned him around. Before Neteyam could protest, Ao'nung picked him up, arms under his knees and shoulders. In the bridal style hold (I know they wouldnt call it that but idk what else to call it), Neteyam's arms held tight around Ao'nung's neck, and pulled him up to graze his lips slightly with Neteyam's own. This caused Ao'nung to promptly slip and fall in the water.  

(maybe im self absorbed but i almost made myself cry rereading my own writing, the grotto scene specifically.)

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